Here is your moment
There are various options and times available for your yoga practice! Here you can find the regular yoga classes at a glance!
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga consciously guides us into the process of life in order to awaken in us what we are allowed to experience and learn. It is the experiment of becoming the observer of our own self and aligning one's consciousness with infinity.
Choose for you
You can participate in the yoga classes in different ways. Here you will find an overview of your options!
For yoga in life
10 weeks -
10 week block
Free class choice
Participation only
via Zoom -
Lateral entry possible
Single purchase: 13 €
For yoga in life
10 weeks -
10 week block
Free class choice
On-site participation
(or zoom) -
Lateral entry possible
Individual purchase: 15 €
For yoga in life
10 weeks -
10 week block
1 1/4 hour courses
On-site participation
(or zoom) -
Lateral entry possible
Single purchase: 13 €
For yoga in life
10 weeks -
10 week block
Wednesday 8:15 p. m.
Participation only
via Zoom -
Lateral entry possible
Individual purchase: 12 €
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