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Einladung zum Frieden

So viele Menschen auf diesem Planeten wĆ¼nschen sich Frieden. Frieden in sich, Frieden im AuƟen, Frieden in der inneren Welt, Frieden in der ƤuƟeren Welt. Jedes Jahr in der Weihnachtszeit besinnen wir uns wieder darauf! Wir mƶchten die ā€žBotschaft des Weihnachtsfestsā€œ manifestieren und in die Welt tragen! Was ist hierfĆ¼r nƶtig? Wie kƶnnen wir diesen Frieden schaffen? Frieden beginnt zuallererst IMMER...

Vor und ZurĆ¼ck ist eine Wand

Oftmals im Leben lassen wir unseren Verstand mit seinen Gedanken (und deren Folgen) in die Vergangenheit oder in die Zukunft schweifen. Es passiert bewusst, unbewusst, geplant, ungeplant, regungslos oder emotional! Wir gehen in die Erinnerungen, in alte Bilder, Wahrnehmungen, Empfindungen und die Energie des Dagewesenen. Und dann gehen wir wieder in Fantasien, TrƤume und Ziele der Zukunft, in die wir...

depth of the ocean

Saturn is the legendary king of evil in the tradition of Vedic astrology. It is even feared by many because it heralds death and illness. It influences our nervous system and our psyche. He is the god of time and karma, which accompanies us through our lives. And if we look around the world, some of that is very true...


Welcome to happiness! Something we humans have probably always thought about the most. Something we humans keep coming back to and want to be in. Something that feels so gigantic and just makes you happy. Something that philosophers, psychologists, teachers, masters, researchers, coaches, companions, ā€¦ keep talking about and teaching. But what...

What does commitment bring?

What does commitment bring? In my Kundalini Yoga Awakening Teacher Training, one thing touched me very much. It was Yogi Bhajan's "Seven Steps to Happiness". You had awakened something in me at the time. You brought a "system" into something that I already felt for myself and then became clear. Maybe it inspired me to start a yoga center!?...

slow down

SLOW DOWN! It could already be a mantra. SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN. Repeat! This year was a wild ride on the waves for me too. And so it's good to simply bob around in the shallow water this August. When are we going to allow this? There's always something to do. Family, job, hobby, social...