+49 (0) 7724 5869045


Aren't we all divine?

Divinity is a "big" word! And at the same time something in its meaning that is difficult to put into words. There are as many opinions, views, truths, untruths, evidence, counter-evidence as there are people on this planet. It feels different for everyone. It has a different meaning in life. And you do it more or less to discover what it is...

How dignified do you go through life?

ā€œHuman dignity is inviolable.ā€ ā€“ Article 1, Basic Law. This sentence fascinated me even as a teenager. At that time there was a T-shirt with the sentence printed on it. And at the time it was one of my favorite shirts. I just thought it was cool, straight to the point. Clear, loving, compassionate. And that's how I still feel about this first article of the German Basic Law...

slow down

SLOW DOWN! It could already be a mantra. SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN. Repeat! This year was a wild ride on the waves for me too. And so it's good to simply bob around in the shallow water this August. When are we going to allow this? There's always something to do. Family, job, hobby, social...

Easy through the summer

Summer evenings are wonderful! šŸ˜ The sun, which is getting redder and redder, the cool, fresh wind and the mood of "letting go of the day" surround us. It feels light, it becomes calmer again, silence returns. The body cools down, some minds too... šŸ˜ The pressure of the heat, the fire around us decreases. It is...

You know it

Life is just cool, isn't it? šŸ˜Š We are just so spoiled by this planet right now! Colors, smells, sounds, tastes, perceptions in such a wonderful way! We are going through spring and are already slowly approaching the longest day of the year this June and are somehow rediscovering everything. We experience and experience and are ecstatic....

fields of love

A week earlier we were on the roads of Europe, returning to the Black Forest after the retreat ā€œIn the footsteps of Maria Magdalenaā€ and two days by the sea. Magical days were behind us. Impressive experiences that we will always remember. We were allowed moment by moment in such a tender and at the same time powerful energetic field...

How does this opening of the heart actually work?

How does this "opening of the heart" actually work? You keep reading about what that means. You can discover a wide variety of perspectives on it in order to combine them with your own experiences. What does it mean for you? Feel free to take a moment to reflect and contemplate. And then just read on here... What were you allowed to experience for yourself now? How do you feel...

Just plop

The last few days the thought of the "breakthrough", the "pop" kept coming back to my mind. We all keep dealing with our inner challenges, beliefs, habits, thoughts, emotions, ... . We reflect on it, work with it and step by step towards healing and dissolution. This is a wonderful task that we follow. It makes us more conscious, mindful...

Time for You

We have reached March and thus already the third month of this already so exciting year. The "3" is the number of the positive mind that likes risk, sees opportunities and likes to break out of the deadlock and the old to discover new shores. In addition, the "3" carries the quality of the navel center, our strength, our identity and our fire! This fire...