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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Physical Body (Page 2)

life wants you

BREATHE! BREATHE! BREATHE! BREATH TIIIIIEF and SLOWLY and BALANCED! :-D I often repeat this mantra myself probably hundreds of times a day. But I can only repeat it like in the yoga classes. BREATHE! Be with your breath! nothing else! And I'm serious! Out of joy and love! :-) Just try it out for a few days. Or just...

The limitations melt away

My name is human. What does that mean to you? What does it mean for you to be (also) human? How do you feel that for yourself and how do you recognize yourself in it? What does this "person" include and what does it include for you? What are you "made of"? And how is your relationship to "this person" with all his parts - the whole...