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Time for You

We have reached March and thus already the third month of this already so exciting year. The "3" is the number of the positive mind that likes risk, sees opportunities and likes to break out of the deadlock and the old to discover new shores. In addition, the "3" carries the quality of the navel center, our strength, our identity and our fire! This fire...

Only love leads to peace

I turn to you today with a request! A request that comes deep from my heart and to which I would like to invite you! Especially now, as we move through the Advent season towards Christmas, the feast of love and peace! The last few days I can observe, feel and perceive how the "social climate" is getting even rougher than...

The universe is with you

Today I would like to address a few words to you that have been on my heart in the last few days. A few days ago I came back to the Black Forest and already at the departure station I could feel the energies, emotions and thoughts of the people, almost "read" them. On the train I was allowed to watch people getting on and off and...

Take your chance

We are entering September and slowly we can feel that the time of summer is passing and we are heading towards autumn. We feel the rising wind, rain and after a phase of supposed standstill, we head to new shores. At the moment, after all this "idleness", it may seem to us that a lot on this...


Moments are precious. Moments are priceless. Moments come from and go into eternity! We often perceive them when we rediscover images from bygone times. When we begin to remember that "instant", that moment. A feeling arises, perceptions come, the senses switch on and we are almost completely...


I am fascinated. The current search for new/old freedom fascinates me enormously. I see pictures of so-called "vaccination centers" in front of which people only "crave" to be vaccinated in order to be able to pursue the "old" life again. By the way, wasn't there something with accumulations without a minimum distance? ;-) Doctors' phone lines are overloaded and so many people can't...

Forgiveness comes from you

I left the last weekend in April with great gratitude and many special impressions of the second part of this year's Kundalini Awakening Training. We were allowed to create a very special and healing space for ourselves, in which we immersed ourselves in karma and our dharma through our mind, meditation. What a journey! :-) A lot was allowed to move again and...

Love lives

In the Kundalini Awakening Training we play the so-called "Purple Game", the game of life, again and again. In this game we travel through the parts within us, through our chakras and the associated topics such as trust, flow of life, strength and energy, love and compassion, communication, intuition and connection to divinity. It's a game that allows us to reflect with which...