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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Flow" (Page 2)

slow down

SLOW DOWN! It could already be a mantra. SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN. Repeat! This year was a wild ride on the waves for me too. And so it's good to simply bob around in the shallow water this August. When are we going to allow this? There's always something to do. Family, job, hobby, social...

Acceptance is a dance

Aap Sahaai Hoa Satsche Daa Satsche Doa, Har Har Har ā€“ The Lord Himself has become my protector. The truest of the true took care of me. God, God, God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_R8orNcq8I For several weeks now, this mantra has accompanied me in its different musical versions almost daily. Yes, it feels exactly what it describes. It feels protected and protected. Trusted,...

fields of love

A week earlier we were on the roads of Europe, returning to the Black Forest after the retreat ā€œIn the footsteps of Maria Magdalenaā€ and two days by the sea. Magical days were behind us. Impressive experiences that we will always remember. We were allowed moment by moment in such a tender and at the same time powerful energetic field...

Take your chance

We are entering September and slowly we can feel that the time of summer is passing and we are heading towards autumn. We feel the rising wind, rain and after a phase of supposed standstill, we head to new shores. At the moment, after all this "idleness", it may seem to us that a lot on this...


Moments are precious. Moments are priceless. Moments come from and go into eternity! We often perceive them when we rediscover images from bygone times. When we begin to remember that "instant", that moment. A feeling arises, perceptions come, the senses switch on and we are almost completely...

calm in the storm

January is already over and we have arrived in February at full speed. Welcome! There can be a feeling that the universe is stepping up a gear this year - even though we know that it always runs smoothly! :-) How are you doing? How do you feel when you look behind "good or bad"? What happened to you...