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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Truth" (Page 3)

fields of love

A week earlier we were on the roads of Europe, returning to the Black Forest after the retreat ā€œIn the footsteps of Maria Magdalenaā€ and two days by the sea. Magical days were behind us. Impressive experiences that we will always remember. We were allowed moment by moment in such a tender and at the same time powerful energetic field...

Time for You

We have reached March and thus already the third month of this already so exciting year. The "3" is the number of the positive mind that likes risk, sees opportunities and likes to break out of the deadlock and the old to discover new shores. In addition, the "3" carries the quality of the navel center, our strength, our identity and our fire! This fire...

Your way

Today I'm coming back to a topic that I addressed at the beginning of the year - follow your heart! šŸ™ It's just too important and so I feel like I'm sharing a recent personal experience with you. Share to see that our "spiritual talk" is not humbug, no, it's real! Our mind...

The year of courage in our hearts

I wish you from the bottom of my heart a gigantic, healing, loving and charming New Year! Why charming? More on that soon! šŸ˜Š I wish you peace, joy, contemplation, strength, balance, LOVE, happiness, health! Simply everything that the universe and you as a soul have devised to become one! With ALL! With one in any case - with charm! šŸ˜Š...

Only love leads to peace

I turn to you today with a request! A request that comes deep from my heart and to which I would like to invite you! Especially now, as we move through the Advent season towards Christmas, the feast of love and peace! The last few days I can observe, feel and perceive how the "social climate" is getting even rougher than...

cycles of life

Samhain is behind us. The time change is behind us. All Saints Day is behind us. Days that herald a further energy boost in their entirety. Now exactly one year has passed since the change from SchwarzwaldSeele to Nam Terath Yoga. A year ago today, the doors of the SchwarzwaldSeele closed after a seven-year cycle. Always think and feel...

Take your chance

We are entering September and slowly we can feel that the time of summer is passing and we are heading towards autumn. We feel the rising wind, rain and after a phase of supposed standstill, we head to new shores. At the moment, after all this "idleness", it may seem to us that a lot on this...

Trust is NOW

When I've read the news for the last two days, I didn't really know whether to laugh, cry, scream, swear, be happy. Vaccination compulsory for health workers in France and Greece. Discussion about compulsory vaccination for teachers and educators in Germany. Demands for general vaccination for the entire population in all countries. Prohibitions for people who do not give up their freedom...