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Where does selflessness lead us?

We have arrived at the sixth step to happiness - selflessness, service, sacrifice! The first thing that comes to mind is mothers. A mother lets go of herself completely at the moment of conception. She chooses to surrender to the life of a reincarnated soul and be accompanied! She "sacrifices" her love, her strength, her patience, her knowledge, her body to life, to God! Yes, men do that to a certain extent at the moment too. However, they always retain their "natural Lonely Rider drive" and may not be as deep in sacrifice as the mother is! The very process of developing the fetus, the baby, reflects a mother's deep love for taking it upon herself to give a new life a chance! She nourishes the child in all its phases, protects it, endures pain and passes on its own wisdom and energy in unconditional love.

Now we don't all have to become mothers to experience this selflessness! We have the opportunity to have this experience every minute of our lives! Above all, it begins in us and our devotion to life and divinity. Do we trust life? Can we flow with him? Can we let go of our imposed selves (personalities) and even "the self" and just be in awareness? When we do this and no longer cling to anything, definition or belief, we are willing to sacrifice because we now know how! Of course, we immediately think of human sacrifices, animal sacrifices, spooky ceremonies. But is it? Isn't this just a desperate act of feeling and living the outside, the inside?

Yes, it's about "getting rid" of something. However, selflessness is the beginning in us. And from this selflessness we can also serve others. In yoga we call this seva. We serve selflessly and receive selflessly because we know what moves! I serve and am served! I give and I can take! It is a cycle of energies! I can already feel it inside of me! In my job as a teacher, I serve other souls and life every day! I sacrifice my time, my energy, my physical capacities, my love! Now you might think that this sacrifice robs me of my strength. But don't! On the contrary! Through unselfishness on the inside and service on the outside, a power is generated that evokes joy and happiness!

Isn't that what a mother feels deeply for her child? Joy, Happiness, Love, Connection, Oneness, Lifelong Caring! Isn't it a bond that is very difficult to break? At the same time, this bond leads us to ourselves, because in this moment we put our ego on the back burner. We put our sensitivities, emotions, reservations, evaluations, ..., very far back and bring our attention to ourselves and what we have in common. In the community, the group, the partnership. Of course, it is also a balancing act, as there is a danger that we often take selflessness to mean that we give ourselves up completely! Yes, we give up "us", the inner chaos! And at that moment we choose the straight path that shows us how giving and taking works. Without enumerating, keeping a tally or even withdrawing completely. However, we don't get lost in it, let alone cause ourselves any pain! Let alone taking on the karma of others! That's not serving, that's stupid! Caution!

So it is a natural process that occurs! Without coercion, assumption of burdens, imagination! If you don't want to give, then don't. Sat Nam! However, we can feel the lightness within us that honest giving creates! We don't think about what benefit or what result, what goal, any action has. We just let it happen from the heart, without raising expectations of myself or others. We let it flow and trust that through inner purity and outer service we bring about a bliss! Is that possibly what is taking the step to the last step? Is that what brings us together as humans and potentiates everything? Is it possibly a path to peace, liberty and happiness for all?  

All the best to you from my heart!

In the next post: Step 7 – Happiness

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.