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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Acceptance"

Wind of Change

„Wind of Change“ – wer kennt diesen Song nicht?! „The future's in the air. Can feel it everywhere. Blowing with the wind of change.“ Dieser Auszug aus dem Text spricht Bände! Genauso dürften wir uns gerade fühlen! Aus vielen Gesprächen und Begegnungen schält sich immer mehr diese Dynamik und Energie dieses Jahres heraus – Veränderung! So ist sie nichts Neues...

Die Kraft der Müdigkeit

Die Sonne scheint, die Vögel zwitschern, die kleinen Blümchen sprießen schon und die Natur erwacht zu neuem Leben! Der Frühling naht mit jedem Tag, die gleichmäßig länger und länger werden! Und wir? Wir sind müde? Frühjahrsmüde? Überdrussmüde? Oder einfach müde ohne zu wissen warum? Wie geht es Dir und Deiner Müdigkeit? Man könnte fast meinen, dass die Müdigkeit zum Normalzustand...

Ordentliches Chaos

„Die Welt versinkt im Chaos!“ – So oder so ähnlich könnten die täglichen Schlagzeilen lauten (und lauten sie auch). Die Systeme in diesem Universum und auf diesem Planeten erhöhen ihre chaotische Energie und Unordnung, die uns alles wild erscheinen lässt. Die Physik weiß mittlerweile, dass sich die Teilchen im gesamten Kosmos in eine immer größere Unordnung bewegen. So wirken sich...

Light and darkness are one

Our heart is our actual and at the same time original home. Nothing can guide us in our life wiser, more compassionate, clearer, braver, more loving, more mindful, more powerful than the energy that is in it - love! Everything we need to live is slumbering in our hearts! It is the engine of creation, the very core of being, the universe and us as such...


"Finally relax, the weekend is coming!" - How often do you hear this statement? How exhausting does it have to be to live the days in this pattern? Yes, I know it well from the old days. You live the week, you make an effort, you can hardly calm down and then you long for the weekend or vacation. A little time out, distance,...

Divine Authenticity

Happy New Year! The sun is shining, it feels like spring – after waking up! Yes, a new annual cycle begins. A year of the heart is behind us. One that didn't skimp on fire. It really warmed us up inside and out! And we were allowed to go through it most peacefully when we allowed ourselves to "light into the...

Where does selflessness lead us?

We have arrived at the sixth step to happiness - selflessness, service, sacrifice! The first thing that comes to mind is mothers. A mother lets go of herself completely at the moment of conception. She chooses to surrender to the life of a reincarnated soul and be accompanied! She "sacrifices" her love, her strength,...

Easy through the summer

Summer evenings are wonderful! 😍 The sun, which is getting redder and redder, the cool, fresh wind and the mood of "letting go of the day" surround us. It feels light, it becomes calmer again, silence returns. The body cools down, some minds too... 😁 The pressure of the heat, the fire around us decreases. It is...

Acceptance is a dance

Aap Sahaai Hoa Satsche Daa Satsche Doa, Har Har Har – The Lord Himself has become my protector. The truest of the true took care of me. God, God, God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_R8orNcq8I For several weeks now, this mantra has accompanied me in its different musical versions almost daily. Yes, it feels exactly what it describes. It feels protected and protected. Trusted,...