love is the answer
Christmas is coming! And this year it's all about love again! What else? It's the celebration of love, community, compassion! Because what more is needed right now? Inside, outside? How can we align ourselves in order to remain clear and peaceful in times of change? The world has gone haywire. Everything is going crazy! And in order not to sink into this chaos, we can dive into our hearts and awaken and feel the inner (and outer) peace! It's time not just to talk about it, but to really integrate and live it! Christmas is a good way to put it into practice! The time of theory is over once and for all!
We were moving into an inner and outer transformation that has kept us busy this year (and certainly continues to keep us busy). We were allowed to reflect, confront and initiate healing from our hearts in the year of 4 (22)! Much came to light and was shown to us even more clearly! We were challenged, we were moved and for many people it is also becoming increasingly difficult to "be in the middle". The extremes intensify more and more! All of this gave us the chance to open new doors that we can walk through as the years go by. The new year will have a lot in store, but more on that in early 2023!
How do we want to end the year now? How can we leave out of the year what belongs in the year? What can we give up and how can we free ourselves from what we still carry around with us? The "concept" is simple. Awareness, Acceptance, Surrender, Healing! The implementation is a bit trickier! Or not? This year once again spoke to us very clearly that the old days are over. All the beliefs, behaviors, patterns, reactions are allowed to go! Do we have to do something to achieve something? No, not exactly that! The only action is to remember what we really are and what is real! what is reality What is true, what is untrue?
Rarely has it been shown to us as clearly as this year and we now have the chance to draw our conclusions and break through. We can trust life, let hope die and establish certainty! Why should we hope that everything will be "okay"? Didn't Jesus Christ just know that everything is "good" and that our faith and love guide us? Why don't we focus on that? Why do we give so much power to the mental to keep us in a loop that serves no one? Aren't you tired of living untruths inside and outside? Doesn't it just get on your nerves that it won't even stop? Then let's stop it! It's a snap! What are you waiting for? To the next life? Or that your mind allows you to? He won't! YOU have to decide!
So what would you like to hand over to this year that is coming to an end? What don't you want to take with you into the new year? What can you give up? What serves you and what does not serve you? Classic questions, every year, that matter. But how about if you go out of the "made question" and just receive? If you don't put yourself under "pressure" that it has to be now, but leave the pace and knowledge to life and God? Just be alert and open spaces for healing! Can you allow yourself to let go of control and just receive? Because isn't every day Christmas and New Year at the same time?
I now leave all these questions for you to drop as seeds! And then to be attentive to the wonderful little plants that emerge from it! Christmas - the time of birth, of revival! Let's wake up, sow peace and love, live clarity and courage and follow the divine plan in trust, without judging it, but to receive and live in acceptance and compassion! Just like Jesus showed us - in an unconditional love and the acceptance of everything that is in order to create from it! Love is the answer - that's where we are at home!
I wish you a magical and enchanting Christmas and peaceful days as the years pass! All the love of the universe for you and for all of us - unique creations of divinity!