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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Compassion"

Warrior of Love

2024 – jetzt sind wir doch ganz flott ins neue Jahr gekommen! Und wie immer ist es auch ein Moment der Rückschau und auch Vorausschau! Diese Zeit dürfen wir uns nehmen, um zu reflektieren, zu sortieren und auszusortieren, um Platz für Neues zu schaffen und zu sehen und vor allem in uns zu spüren, welche Richtung eingeschlagen wird! Jede*r von...

depth of the ocean

Saturn is the legendary king of evil in the tradition of Vedic astrology. It is even feared by many because it heralds death and illness. It influences our nervous system and our psyche. He is the god of time and karma, which accompanies us through our lives. And if we look around the world, some of that is very true...

Where does selflessness lead us?

We have arrived at the sixth step to happiness - selflessness, service, sacrifice! The first thing that comes to mind is mothers. A mother lets go of herself completely at the moment of conception. She chooses to surrender to the life of a reincarnated soul and be accompanied! She "sacrifices" her love, her strength,...

How dignified do you go through life?

“Human dignity is inviolable.” – Article 1, Basic Law. This sentence fascinated me even as a teenager. At that time there was a T-shirt with the sentence printed on it. And at the time it was one of my favorite shirts. I just thought it was cool, straight to the point. Clear, loving, compassionate. And that's how I still feel about this first article of the German Basic Law...

slow down

SLOW DOWN! It could already be a mantra. SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN. Repeat! This year was a wild ride on the waves for me too. And so it's good to simply bob around in the shallow water this August. When are we going to allow this? There's always something to do. Family, job, hobby, social...

Our physical existence

The number 5 of May stands for our physical body in the bodies of Kundalini Yoga. It describes our physical existence, our temple in which we are allowed to live on this planet from beginning to end. It is a gift that we all too often forget in the hustle and bustle of our thoughts, of life and of the challenges and let it "bob up and down". Just...

Being is the new must

It is Easter! A celebration of peace, trust, love! of being! 💚 Everything calls us to it and shows us the way. With everything that is happening around us in the world and in us and how we deal with it, one thing stood out for me today. We are must-driven. We're talking about e.g. E.g. relax, meditate, do sports,...

How does this opening of the heart actually work?

How does this "opening of the heart" actually work? You keep reading about what that means. You can discover a wide variety of perspectives on it in order to combine them with your own experiences. What does it mean for you? Feel free to take a moment to reflect and contemplate. And then just read on here... What were you allowed to experience for yourself now? How do you feel...