+49 (0) 7724 5869045


Yoga of Consciousness

The world is full of possibilities. They are opportunities to truly unfold ourselves and our lives and to give the meaning that is meant for us. We are often allowed to climb mountains before we can fully see them. These ascensions require strength, awareness and love.


memory of us

Kundalini Yoga helps us to see and live more clearly. It helps us to sit in the eye of the hurricane. It may be wild, but we stay! In that moment we recognize and remember who we really are! Peace and love!


gratitude and abundance

We can see, feel and commit life from new perspectives! We learn to trust and surrender! The fullness of creation is revealed to us. And there is gratitude for the gifts and perfection of life!


relaxation in being

The race slow downs and a deep realization sets in! We can relax in what is and above all in what we are. We are who we are! There is no achievement - there is no goal - only being! Relaxed! Cool! Colorful and lovely!


Dealing with stress

Kundalini Yoga is a style of Yoga made for today! We strengthen the nervous system, balance the glands and thereby balance our mind and emotions. Today's age is easier for us and life flows!


energy and power

The Kundalini energy is our inner divine life force. It ascends the spine and moves all the meridians in the body into a deep cleansing. Our energetic bodies are harmonized, our Aura is radiant and we are more powerful!


Physical Body

The purification of our Being is a prerequisite for a healthy and joyful life. This is exactly where our physical body is supported. He will strengthen, become more flexible and adjust! Life becomes an endless dance!

What others feel

The yoga class was amazing and the impact is hard to describe in words . There was a lot going on and then I wrapped myself up and sat down on the balcony - between snow-covered mountains and in the moonlight. So awesome with the feeling left by the kriya. THANK YOU again!!


Kundalini Yoga with Nam Terath is a very valuable experience for me. I am able to connect deeply with myself and others. I am more consciously connected to my life. I thank you with all my heart!


The day was magical! An absolute dream - great atmosphere, wonderful people. I felt really comfortable and I can't wait for the next time. I was totally relaxed and happy after the day. Thank you again for that!








Always framed by fascinating music
and sounds! Rock'n'Roll for the soul!

Step in now!

Do you feel something calling inside of you? Something speaks quietly to you that the moment has come? Anything wants to move? 

Here we go! What are you waiting for?


Here's how to get started

You still can't imagine how it works? Are you wondering how to get to Kundalini Yoga? How can you make these new experiences for yourself?

first contact

Call me, write an E-Mail, get in touch with me! We can get to know each other and clarify the first questions.

trial lesson

Feel free to come to an open group lesson or participate via Zoom! If it feels more coherent for you, you can also start with a private lesson.


It is your responsibility to practice regularly! I invite you to this with all my heart. This will put you in a magical process!


In the course of your Yoga practice you will have a wide variety of experiences on all levels of your being. You will gain new insights into your body - physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, divinely!


We can learn to be our own teacher! All the answers are already within us. Kundalini Yoga will support you in living what you receive for you!

Learn more!

Feel free to contact me personally!


+49 (0) 7724 5869045


Dreihäusle 1a