frequently asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Some questions arise about the Energetic Transformation in general, about (one's own) application, about spirituality, about personal things. I have compiled some of them here. Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions!
What is an energy transformation?
In the Energy Transformation you will be led into a process of change. By connecting with the energies of Ascended Masters and Archangels, very individual emotional, mental, physical, energetic issues can be addressed and activated. It starts to flow and thus on a healing path.
What does it do?
The experiences in the Energy Transformation are numerous and very individual. From deep relaxation to 30-minute laughter flashes to activities, perceptions and insights in all bodies. We solve emotional, mental, physical, energetic blockages, connect with the inner child, work on Karma and flush the energies through! The qualities of the Ascended Masters and Archangels accompany us on this path and guide us!
What are Ascended Masters?
Ascended Masters are Masters like Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, Buddha, Quan Yin, Hathor, Saint Germain and many more. They surround us every second of our life. In connection with them we can gain guidance and insights. This is how they conduct the Energy Transformations.
They are constantly accompanied by Archangels such as Michael, Gabriel(a), ... . They are known to us mainly from a church context. So they are believed in - with certainty? Yes we can!
How does the transformation work?
You will sit or lie comfortably, which I recommend. It's best to cover yourself up and make yourself comfortable. You close your eyes and let what happens happen. You remain conscious, but you may also fall asleep.
And so the energies begin to flow and transform within you! Always in the face of love and healing! Allow yourself not to judge what is happening. Everything can be there. Whether it's "good or bad" doesn't matter. What do YOU perceive? What are you feeling? What do you receive? What are you letting go? Everything is allowed!
After a certain time I'll bring you back and you slowly wake up again. The whole time I don't touch you. The energies flow at a distance.
You can find out what's happening around here
How does the energy flow work?
We each build a healing energy field for ourselves and together. It once again activates the connection to the energies of the Universe and the Ascended Masters and Archangels. We allow the energies to flow into our bodies through our meridians and chakras. You receive! I represent, in meditation, just a channel and connecting pipe for the energies. This is how the energy flows through me and straight to you! This can be done personally on site or at a distance, with or without Zoom!
What do I need for a healing session?
A quiet place in your home is wonderful. You will not be disturbed and can let yourself go. A substrate such as a yoga mat, or a flat lying surface give you a good grounding. Warm socks and a blanket are recommended to keep you warm. A glass of water always helps.
If we meet via Zoom, an external speaker is great. The built-in speakers are otherwise absolutely sufficient.
Can it be dangerous?
It depends on what you mean by dangerous. If physical, emotional, mental, visionary, energetic sensations are uncomfortable for you and seem dangerous, then yes. Otherwise no! The energy transformation can only relax. But it can also touch stuck energy, blockages, thought patterns, pain, beliefs, physical things and bring them into a process. It leads to visionary insights, ideas, realizations. It is diverse and colorful like life and the energetic, subtle world.
If you feel unsure, just write me or call me! This is always the easiest and most personal way to answer questions! Gladly also via Zoom!
Right now we can let ourselves be flooded with energies that enable us to live our lives through our own relaxation.