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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Intuition"

Warrior of Love

2024 ā€“ jetzt sind wir doch ganz flott ins neue Jahr gekommen! Und wie immer ist es auch ein Moment der RĆ¼ckschau und auch Vorausschau! Diese Zeit dĆ¼rfen wir uns nehmen, um zu reflektieren, zu sortieren und auszusortieren, um Platz fĆ¼r Neues zu schaffen und zu sehen und vor allem in uns zu spĆ¼ren, welche Richtung eingeschlagen wird! Jede*r von...

Leere erzeugt FĆ¼lle

Wir Menschen leben in einer interessanten Konstituierung! Sobald sich unser Verstand entwickelt, entwickeln auch wir Vorstellungen, Ideen, Visionen, PlƤne fĆ¼r uns und unser Leben und wollen darĆ¼ber auf jeden Fall die Kontrolle behalten. Wir fangen an unser Leben zu planen, Entscheidungen zu treffen und auf etwas ā€žhinzuarbeitenā€œ! Wir wollen dabei die FƤden auf jeden Fall immer in der Hand halten....

Was wird sich zeigen?

Was wird sich zeigen in diesem Monat? Was wird uns beschƤftigen und was wird uns begleiten? Wo werden wir erkennen und wo werden wir erblĆ¼hen? Es ist der Monat der Wahrheit! Die Zahl 5 ā€“ die Zahl des Kehlchakras, welche genau hierfĆ¼r steht, wird uns begleiten! NatĆ¼rlich, sprechen wir die Wahrheit? LĆ¼gen wir? Sind wir ehrlich zu uns selbst? Und zu...

time to decide

February ā€“ the second month of 2023! January felt like it was really in itself. So what can we expect? What are we confronted with? What will happen and what may happen? When I personally look around and feel what's happening on a large and small scale, it's pretty hot for the winter season! The pressure on...

New learning to learn

A big aspect of this year is the quality of the archetype teacher*, the 23 from 2023, the 2+3, the 5! This aspect invites us to learn to align our being with the being of divinity! He invites us to become a channel to receive our dharma, our path, our love, our healing and then...

You know it

Life is just cool, isn't it? šŸ˜Š We are just so spoiled by this planet right now! Colors, smells, sounds, tastes, perceptions in such a wonderful way! We are going through spring and are already slowly approaching the longest day of the year this June and are somehow rediscovering everything. We experience and experience and are ecstatic....

Being is the new must

It is Easter! A celebration of peace, trust, love! of being! šŸ’š Everything calls us to it and shows us the way. With everything that is happening around us in the world and in us and how we deal with it, one thing stood out for me today. We are must-driven. We're talking about e.g. E.g. relax, meditate, do sports,...

Creator of your own life

What a gift that the yoga classes have started again this week. It fills me again and again to practice, to move, to transform, to heal and above all to love together. It's just magical when hearts come together. It is a miracle that we can do this at all. šŸ˜Š Thank you for being! How did you get into your new...

The year of courage in our hearts

I wish you from the bottom of my heart a gigantic, healing, loving and charming New Year! Why charming? More on that soon! šŸ˜Š I wish you peace, joy, contemplation, strength, balance, LOVE, happiness, health! Simply everything that the universe and you as a soul have devised to become one! With ALL! With one in any case - with charm! šŸ˜Š...