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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Intuition" (Page 2)

Lift up the life in your heart

The first three months of the year are history. Looking back on my start of the year it was packed with new experiences, impressions, inner and outer challenges, ups and downs, moving moments, tears, laughter, healing, teachings, wisdom and a new understanding of my own being. I was able to rediscover some old and new things in myself and continue my journey to...

Ride the wave of joy

I can only laugh heartily right now! I laugh from my heart, I'm happy, I'm refreshed! I am enthusiastic about the universe, about love, about the game of life! :-) One can only call it "crazy"! February seems to have shaken us up quite a bit. We went through the sign of Aquarius/Aquarius, which revealed and moved many things in us...

Cut through the cords

A few more days and Christmas is just around the corner! Then comes the Christmas days, New Year's Eve and hey presto we've arrived in a new year, 2021. Some long for it, others would like to stay a little longer this year. For others it was horror, for others the fulfillment of their wildest dreams. what was it for you What were you allowed...

life wants you

BREATHE! BREATHE! BREATHE! BREATH TIIIIIEF and SLOWLY and BALANCED! :-D I often repeat this mantra myself probably hundreds of times a day. But I can only repeat it like in the yoga classes. BREATHE! Be with your breath! nothing else! And I'm serious! Out of joy and love! :-) Just try it out for a few days. Or just...