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Cut through the cords

A few more days and Christmas is just around the corner! Then comes the Christmas days, New Year's Eve and hey presto we've arrived in a new year, 2021. Some long for it, others would like to stay a little longer this year. For others it was horror, for others the fulfillment of their wildest dreams. what was it for you What did you learn this year? What have you discovered this year? What did you experience for yourself? What did you see and what are you willing to integrate?

Yes, we could ask ourselves so many questions, ponder, reflect and exchange ideas. And yes, that is valuable and we can stop and dive into ourselves. We can take the time to listen inside ourselves and to feel what and who answers these questions within us. And I invite you from the bottom of my heart to take this time to feel and look beyond what has happened on the outside this year. Because what really matters? Or is it much more about what you were allowed to perceive for yourself and are now allowed to do?

You may feel something that just doesn't need to be there anymore. You may discover topics, beliefs, behaviors, ... that simply no longer "fit" you, that have become too narrow, too small, too annoying. The last days of this year, with perhaps the real highlight on December 21st, 2020, the winter solstice, when Jupiter and Saturn come as close as they have not been since 1226, open up to you in 2020 as a powerful portal to give away! let go! To cut off! Saying goodbye to what just no longer serves you! And let's be honest, you know that, right? 😉

More and more, day by day, month by month, year by year, we are entering an energy that is no longer waiting to “egg around” half-lived. We are entering an age of clarity, knowing from wisdom, an intuition that guides us and prompts us to truly choose. She invites us to really open ourselves, to stop making excuses and to embark with open and courageous hearts on the path of love that spreads out in front of us and shows itself more and more clearly. If only because the old (in us, in society, ...) screams louder and out of desperation no longer knows where the back and the front are. It says goodbye!

So we can focus on where we need space. Where can we “cut old habits” and stand up for ourselves honestly and courageously? To what our heart calls for, not our mind, our ego, our laziness, our fears, our reservations, our control mania, ...? What would like to show? What would like to unfold? What do we always carry within us that we have never allowed ourselves to really live? For whatever reason, what is it that you always knew deep down as the truth about yourself and your life, but never really dared to live, to be, to speak out, to do, to feel...? What is that? You know it! What are you waiting for? To Santa Claus? 😉 Be your own Santa Claus, your own Santa Claus, your own presents, your own gift! You know it! Everything is in you and just waiting to be unpacked! It's up to us - are we brave enough? Are we loving enough to ourselves to do this? Can we really love and rise to the new age? Come along! Just come with me!

I wish you a blessed and fulfilling Christmas season, a wonderful day for you and your family and all the love and peace in this world for you and us!

in deep love,
Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.