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Fabulous 2021

2020 has said goodbye, 2021 can be welcomed. Like every year, we ask ourselves what is to come, what will happen, what we can experience, learn, heal and love. And when I look back over the past few years, these questions have become more and more unanswered. Or they were answered in a way that we hadn't expected at all. 😀 So the last year has given us events, adventures and experiences that nobody would have believed in at the beginning of 2020. And so, with ever-increasing emphasis, life invites us to live, to love, to be! To plan? Kick it! Hold onto? Kick it! Looking ahead? Kick it!

For this reason, I don't want to give you a "classic preview" today, which you can read enough about on the Internet if you are interested! I would like to invite you to a preview of a different kind! I would like to invite you not to narrow your view with a foresight, but to take the word literally. To look ahead, to open your eyes, to adopt a perspective that allows you to dance with life. And a dance is concentration, a dance is appreciation, a dance is experiencing the energy of the moment. Every moment, every movement is precious, however it is performed. It is a miracle of creation, of life, with which we are given anew every day.

Yes, certainly the 5 of the addition from 2021 gives us a certain taste of what is important. The 5 is the number of the physical body that we can pay special attention to and discipline ourselves for and for its good. And so the 5 is the number of the teacher, the inner wisdom. A number that has been in my blood since I was born and that I can also deal with. 2020 also made a lot of physical demands on me and I feel that it is now his time. He may experience respect, appreciation and care. And so the 3 from the addition of 21 can also give us an indication that it can become fiery, the 3rd chakra of the navel. So what will happen? 😉

Let's internalize something! It does not matter! It doesn't matter what will happen! Because all this is banter about the future and we lose our true life, the moment, the mindfulness, the appreciation of life, which only takes place in every single second, every moment, every blink of an eye and can be loved there. how can we do that How can we really experience this? For me it's basically very simple. We read scriptures, books, guides, go to yoga courses ;-), meditate, reflect, ... . But does that matter? Do we also manifest what we read, hear, experience there? Do we trust e.g. For example, do we focus on the work of God, or do we just “preach” it and fear it? Do we pray from the depths of our being or do we just speak empty words? Do we believe in miracles from our heart or is belief just a construct in our mind? Do we love unconditionally, or do we set the condition of unconditionality ourselves, forgetting that that too is a condition?

Basically, life only wants one of us. to live it! Just to live! Respect it, trust it and love it! However, many times we have experienced and learned that life is dangerous and that is why we want to control it. This control seems to have slipped away from us - but it was never there! Now we recognize that more and more and we can decide! Do we manifest our "ramblings" or do we keep rambling and perish? This may sound very direct, but if we don't learn to transform our energies now - anger into love, sadness into joy, disappointment into truth... - life will be exhausting. Do you want it? Not me!

We are allowed to dive into our "darkness" again and again, which is only dark because we haven't been there for a very long time to light the candles again! And there sits and lives so much undiscovered that just wants to be transformed and healed. There is so much unused energy sitting there that we just leave lying around because we are afraid of it. However, everything is ready for it, everyone is ready for it and life gives us the momentum and focus on this event! And then this is exactly what happens. We look into our "darkness", into the depths of our being and transform all the energies that are stuck there, could never be lived out. Now is the time to free these energies, not to let go, but to transform them - in love and power!

I wish you a powerful, sensitive, courageous, honest, truthful, vibrant, glorious and loving 2021! Be sure that the divine is within you every second, as YOU are part of it and everything! We are all one - we are love! Do you believe this, do you live this, do you love this?

All the best for your start into the new year!

Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.