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Dominoes are a game

In yoga, we often speak of the "purple game" when it comes to life. It is also a "board game" in which we go through different "spheres" and which can support us in questioning emotions, beliefs, attachments and our behavior and then to give it into the transformation. In life it is the "game of life". We're right in the middle!

Everything, really everything is changing. No stone is left unturned. Everything shakes and shakes, crashes together and at a pace that not even the mind knows what to do with this pace and is running after it. This can quickly lead him into entanglements in his thinking and feeling, in which he obscures who we really are and why we are here. He then flees into the known emotional and mental world because it gives him security and he has the feeling that somehow he can still control it. And yes, that's exactly how it is at this moment, but what is building up more and more pressure in us today and in the coming years/decades and creates more emotionality, saps strength and can even trigger illnesses. It's the "back to normal" right now. Is that really "normal" what you wish for?

We, as souls, possess a very valuable "tool" that we can make use of right now - our free will. We like to think of it as being able to do whatever we want. On a deeper level, however, free will is exactly what can help us to choose from within ourselves, in terms of heart and love, over and over again. Do we want to live emotionally or do we want to surrender to life? Do we want to plan our path, control it or can we be driven by the energy of life? Do we want to make an effort (to be happy, successful, spiritual, ... ;-)) or are we just? Free will is our “switch” in our mind, which we can use to decide again and again whether we want to stay on the path of love that has been mapped out for us or take the detours of thinking. None of this is better or worse, for in every way we receive the gifts we need and may or may not accept. But is it still necessary to hold on? Let's not just run past what's actually waiting for us and just lie around without doing anything on our way to gifts!

We're being gifted so richly right now! We're getting a chance (of probably a few more ;-)) to open our eyes wide for ourselves, inside and out. This may be exhausting for our human personality, as it likes to stay in the "familiar environment" that promises security and "calm". But isn't it really just a fight? Isn't it just incredibly exhausting to hold onto something that works but lives only as fantasy, constantly changing and causing confusion? What would happen if we let what is there? Open all doors and windows wide so that divine love can flow through us and heal us?

The whole universe is changing every second, day by day. Nothing stays the same and the time we live in shows it to us with a clarity that we have never experienced before. What we have always known, however, is that we as humans are constantly changing. Whether this happens consciously or unconsciously, it happens. Now we are free to decide whether we as souls allow this game, this change, and look at it with joy, or whether we allow our personality to defend itself tooth and nail! One thing always remains the same - YOU, as a divine being! YOU live in this physical body that is your temple. You can use your thoughts or let them use you. You can let emotions overwhelm you and confuse you, or you can watch them at play and know that behind them only the desire for healing is calling. You can lose yourself in your energies or you can use them to flow through life with joy, grace and grace! Do we make our own decisions or do we let them decide for us? Do we stand up for ourselves or do we stand up for ourselves? Do we decide for ourselves or do we let them decide for us? Do we love ourselves or do we hope for love? It's time to awaken, grow up and unseat what has shaped us, to discover that we are so much more and not as limited as we used to be within ourselves (and on the outside). ) was parroted! Without fear of being truly infinite! Because that is our actual nature, that is who we are! You and me!

Sat Nam in deep love,
Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.