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Welcome to happiness! Something we humans have probably always thought about the most. Something we humans keep coming back to and want to be in. Something that feels so gigantic and just makes you happy. Something that philosophers, psychologists, teachers, masters, researchers, coaches, companions, … keep talking about and teaching. But what is happiness anyway? What does it mean? How does it feel? Aren't there infinitely many definitions of it? Are we born to be happy? And is it really the “ultimate feeling”? What is it for you individually?

We hopped over six fields into the luck field. Commitment, Character, Dignity, Divinity, Grace and Selflessness. Now we are lucky children, lucky people, blissful ones. Oh how beautiful! Just by the way. Did you happen to take these steps in your life in the last few weeks? In an area, topic, belief, relationship, job, ...? How was it? And if not, would you like to give it a try? Or where in your life have you already experienced this? When are/were you really happy? And what preceded it? How do you find happiness in your life?

Questions upon questions that fortunately can be asked. Answers upon answers given to it. And of course it can be put into words. But never in a way that really describes happiness. We can feel and live it! But one thing is certain. If we fill our life with it, it becomes a deep joy! Every moment, every situation, everything that we encounter in life, we can receive and, through a commitment to (non-)action, lead to a feeling of happiness, to bliss, to happiness! And beyond that, we experience a contentment within ourselves. Because no matter what storm rages. We can, as the saying goes, dance in the rain, be happy and just enjoy what and how it is. We can be at peace with it - this creates happiness! It is up to us!

I would like to invite you this month to practically experience, feel and establish this happiness, joy and peace! Enough words have been said about it. Enough has been written and philosophized about it. It's time to live it! So let's be happy! With everything we encounter in life! Let's dance in the chaos that surrounds us all! Let's go into the future with new strength and joy and create it together! Fortunately and for the good of all! We can do that!

With all my heart I wish you a wonderful Advent season with returning and magical moments with you, your family and your friends!

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.