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Acceptance is a dance

Aap Sahaai Hoa Satsche Daa Satsche Doa, Har Har Har – The Lord Himself has become my protector. The truest of the true took care of me. God, God, God.

For a few weeks now, this mantra has accompanied me in its various musical versions almost every day. Yes, it feels exactly what it describes. It feels protected and protected. Familiar, close, peaceful, joyful, loving. Sometimes like a "real" companion, side by side. 😊 Nothing can happen to both of us. Nothing can "slay" us. Nothing has the power to sever this bond. As well as? It is the bond to God. The connection to infinity, to being. It is leadership we can trust. Or to put it another way – we are “puppets” in the divine play.

Now is that a good thing or a bad thing, the mind asks? Being a puppet usually doesn't mean anything good. This is irrelevant here. It's not either or. It is a common, an intimate relationship between everything and us. 💕 What stands in between and at the same time is the connection is the three-dimensional world with everything that belongs to it. Inside and outside, everything we can experience and learn on our planet. This is our karma!

We have traditionally learned to fight with being strong and "flatten it". In this case, however, we put energy in and get energy out that throws us off balance. We know how fights usually end... What if we stop? What if we really start living acceptance? Dance of acceptance does not mean that we "accept" or "surrender". We're more likely to start, literally, dancing a dance! With what is given and taken from us. We get involved, shake hands with the dance and then feel what it takes, what kind of dance we are dancing. After acceptance, we can trust, be open and draw from endless possibilities. We allow ourselves the connection to the divine, the acceptance of it. 💚

If we are not aware of this connection, we will react to everything from beliefs, patterns, behaviors and go into "battle" with tunnel vision. Our karma feels heavy. Our arch line (the sixth body in Kundalini Yoga, which also carries our karma) feels heavy - having a heavy head. It's energetically, mentally, physically too full. That narrows the view! So why don't we let some air in? Are the energies moving? Perform a dance? The Dance of Acceptance! In this moment, new lightness and joy open up to us. "That's just how it is," we might say. But not out of devaluation or negation. No, out of joy and from the heart. Also out of strength that everything and I am accepted in every moment! In the next step we experience relaxation and this relaxation shows clarity and love! Just what we need to take the next step. 🙏🏼

Which dance steps do you need at the moment? Where are you allowed to accept in order to act/rest from this compassionate and clear acceptance? What crystallizes for you in this relaxation?

I wish you sunny and peaceful days of acceptance and joy! 😍

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.