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You know it

Life is just cool, isn't it? 😊 We are just so spoiled by this planet right now! Colors, smells, sounds, tastes, perceptions in such a wonderful way! We are going through spring and are already slowly approaching the longest day of the year this June and are somehow rediscovering everything. We experience and experience and are ecstatic. We open! 💚

With its number "6", June reminds us of the opening of our sixth sense, intuition. It is our sixth chakra, the point between the eyebrows. It is the center that lets us choose from perspectives, possibilities, questions, decisions, ... in everything in life. Whatever it is, intuition always does so in connection with our heart, unconditional love and through the fifth chakra (the throat, the truth). It is what is real. Authentic and free from within us as soul. 🙏🏼

Intuition does not distinguish between good and bad. She still is! She is neutral and balanced. It gives us the impulse which direction corresponds to our path in this life, even to the point that it tells us what is going to happen. Some dismiss this as clairvoyance. I see it as a divine gift given to man. Knowing what decision we “have to” make. Having answers to questions that bother you. Just knowing whether something falls down when you put it down "risky" or not. Then you do it, and hey presto, it's already happened... . 😂 Or you trust and look for another place for it.

No matter what we encounter in life. With a distinctive, educated and wise intuition, we skilfully navigate through life through dance. 😍 We avoid drama, effort and entanglement. We “know what to do and what not to do”! We can trust that! We can trust in intuition! We can choose them. Because it is an access to our heart. To hear what love says about this. How would she decide?

At this moment, "logic and heart" connect - via the thread of love! 💕 What a wonderful moment! It is fireworks because we are flooded with energies and experience ourselves as what we already are! Just everything! Love, trust, clarity, peace, joy, … . Because we open the sluice of the 5, the throat, the authenticity and truth and just start singing! We sing the song of life because we feel very clearly that we are (co-)directing this song. 🤩

We know the score! We know exactly which instruments play which notes and in which way. We know every moment! 😉 And we knew it! If we just look back and feel when we have decided something that we knew we "should" have decided differently - what happens then? And it's not about regret, guilt, or right/wrong. Just what feels relaxed, happy, light, peaceful, loving, clear to us or not. Don't we know that every moment? Doesn't matter what it's about?

Be it a belief. A behavior. A reaction. A job. A partnership. A purchase. An an an... Honest! We ALWAYS know what truthfulness is. Or not? 😀 We hear a quiet voice whispering to us. She shows us the way through the jungle of thoughts, emotions, influences and sensual perceptions. She is always with us no matter what. We can only hear them!

I invite you from the bottom of my heart to take a moment and listen. How do you perceive them for you? What is intuition for you? Where in your life do you experience them? How can you use them? What does it take to perceive them? Then what happens to you? Have fun on this journey and a wonderful month of June for you!

all my love 🥰

Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.