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Let yourself shine

In my work I see again and again how we humans make ourselves smaller than we really are far too often. We duck our heads, hold back, don't set ourselves apart, rate ourselves negatively, hide our abilities, don't live what we want, don't dare to be ourselves, to stand by ourselves. In all these moments and situations we lie to ourselves with our beliefs! And then we ask ourselves why we develop little self-confidence and self-love and keep coming up against limits here! As long as we are not honest with ourselves and instead let our limitations determine us, we will keep twisting and turning in this cycle and simply falter!

It is a cycle of our ego! Most of the time when we think of "ego" we think of selfishness or "snootiness" in relation to our "size". That's not all the ego plays, however. Just as it can play us into the "big", in the next moment it plays into the "small", "inconspicuous", ... . It's an attachment to something they know and are comfortable with. But is this really for our good? 😉 Why should it help us to stand up or down? What good does it do us when the ego puts itself above or below someone? What should we get out of it? It may give us a brief moment of confirmation - nothing more. In the long run it eats us up because we live behind a mask that burns more and more into our faces, obscuring the truth.

But how can we bring light into it? 🌞 How except "I'm already standing in front of the mirror and telling myself 100 x that I love myself"? Or, conversely, that we make ourselves bigger than we are! Hahahaha… 😂 Does that really help? Isn't that just the other side of the same ego coin? Just as the ego can pump up, it can also drag you down. So why should we try this energy as a guiding force? Or not simply with our heart as an impulse from us as soul? If we really need our ego as a driver to validate, "appreciate" ourselves, to be happy, then we should start to look deeper within ourselves and start to heal the lack of self-worth in a different way! Everything that is too extreme has another extreme side!

The first step is always acceptance! 💝 Acceptance of what we are, where we are, what happened and what will happen! None of this is ever wrong or right, better or worse. IT IS LIKE IT IS! And I AM WHAT I AM! But beware! This is not a free pass to no change! It is an "I am, I am" - not the "I am Tobias Fritzsche, yoga teacher,..." - just being! And everything that has settled around this being is here right now to be accepted, seen, reflected, loved, healed. From our being we then radiate through the mask, let it crumble until it has melted and we feel and live our worth from the heart. And we can accept this too!

Often enough we hold back in order not to hurt other people because they are not well, they do not love themselves, do not trust themselves, ... . Does this help anyone? Wouldn't it make more sense if you let your light shine completely and with all its power? It may trigger others. However, this is no reason not to do it! We humans are allowed to lift each other up and we can only do that if we support each other to be ourselves. 💚 This means that we are authentic, open, share and thus create a spiral. It means that by shining honestly and truthfully, we can encourage others to shine too! When we free ourselves from the mask, we show others how wonderful it is to take off those masks! We are usually more afraid of our own light, this irrepressible, infinite power, than of the darkness that slumbers within us.

So when do you want to start? When would you like to learn for yourself, not from your ego, but from you, your heart, to radiate and meet? When do you want to be brave and free yourself from your masks that encourage you to lie to yourself? Is it that what you want? I invite you to break out! I invite you to use the energies of July (the 7 represents our aura) and bring about change. Shine, live, love! From you, your being!  

A wonderful month to you and all the best from my heart! 💖

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.