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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > World of 3D (Page 5)

Trust is NOW

When I've read the news for the last two days, I didn't really know whether to laugh, cry, scream, swear, be happy. Vaccination compulsory for health workers in France and Greece. Discussion about compulsory vaccination for teachers and educators in Germany. Demands for general vaccination for the entire population in all countries. Prohibitions for people who do not give up their freedom...

Departure into a new era

I don't really watch football, but I read the results. And from my "young understanding of football" the world is probably a bit upside down! World and European champions out, Germany out, Ukraine and Switzerland in the quarterfinals. Sounds crazy, even paradoxical, what is happening there! How can that be? What's wrong? For more than a year we have experienced a...


I am fascinated. The current search for new/old freedom fascinates me enormously. I see pictures of so-called "vaccination centers" in front of which people only "crave" to be vaccinated in order to be able to pursue the "old" life again. By the way, wasn't there something with accumulations without a minimum distance? ;-) Doctors' phone lines are overloaded and so many people can't...

Lift up the life in your heart

The first three months of the year are history. Looking back on my start of the year it was packed with new experiences, impressions, inner and outer challenges, ups and downs, moving moments, tears, laughter, healing, teachings, wisdom and a new understanding of my own being. I was able to rediscover some old and new things in myself and continue my journey to...

Fabulous 2021

2020 has said goodbye, 2021 can be welcomed. Like every year, we ask ourselves what is to come, what will happen, what we can experience, learn, heal and love. And when I look back over the past few years, these questions have become more and more unanswered. Or they were answered in a way that we now...

Cut through the cords

A few more days and Christmas is just around the corner! Then comes the Christmas days, New Year's Eve and hey presto we've arrived in a new year, 2021. Some long for it, others would like to stay a little longer this year. For others it was horror, for others the fulfillment of their wildest dreams. what was it for you What were you allowed...

to let time flow

Last weekend we were treated to a fantastic "Blue Moon"! What a miracle! Wow! And I find it all the more fascinating that it was a blue moon. Blue as we describe the water, blue as we describe the sky. And so the present time challenges us to go even more into the river! What better way to describe it...

year of miracles

Miracles always happen, every second, even if we may not recognize them as such at first glance. And this year is filled with wonder as we allow ourselves to turn our heads and gaze into this infinite space that opens before us. What possibilities, chances, openings open up for us when the old is suddenly no longer there. Sometimes...