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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > World of 3D (Page 4)

Time for You

We have reached March and thus already the third month of this already so exciting year. The "3" is the number of the positive mind that likes risk, sees opportunities and likes to break out of the deadlock and the old to discover new shores. In addition, the "3" carries the quality of the navel center, our strength, our identity and our fire! This fire...

peace within us

When I woke up a few days ago and actually already knew beforehand what was going to happen, I was brought back into deep memories. Images were evoked in me again, which have occupied me for the last few days. When I was a child/teenager, I was shocked by the images from what was then Yugoslavia and the Gulf Wars. I still remember when the...

Your way

Today I'm coming back to a topic that I addressed at the beginning of the year - follow your heart! 🙏 It's just too important and so I feel like I'm sharing a recent personal experience with you. Share to see that our "spiritual talk" is not humbug, no, it's real! Our mind...

Creator of your own life

What a gift that the yoga classes have started again this week. It fills me again and again to practice, to move, to transform, to heal and above all to love together. It's just magical when hearts come together. It is a miracle that we can do this at all. 😊 Thank you for being! How did you get into your new...

Only love leads to peace

I turn to you today with a request! A request that comes deep from my heart and to which I would like to invite you! Especially now, as we move through the Advent season towards Christmas, the feast of love and peace! The last few days I can observe, feel and perceive how the "social climate" is getting even rougher than...

The universe is with you

Today I would like to address a few words to you that have been on my heart in the last few days. A few days ago I came back to the Black Forest and already at the departure station I could feel the energies, emotions and thoughts of the people, almost "read" them. On the train I was allowed to watch people getting on and off and...

Take your chance

We are entering September and slowly we can feel that the time of summer is passing and we are heading towards autumn. We feel the rising wind, rain and after a phase of supposed standstill, we head to new shores. At the moment, after all this "idleness", it may seem to us that a lot on this...