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Only love leads to peace

I turn to you today with a request! A request that comes deep from my heart and to which I would like to invite you! Especially now, as we move through the Advent season towards Christmas, the festival of love and peace!

In the last few days I can observe, feel and perceive how the "social climate" is getting even rougher than it was in the last few weeks. The aggressiveness, the anger, yes, unfortunately, even hatred, are growing exponentially, which sometimes surprises me more, sometimes less. In the last few months I have repeatedly written about the fact that we are increasingly going into polarities, dualities and also divisions. We are not driven there, but it is our decision in each moment whether we allow it or not. Whether we z. B. want to be "the bad unvaccinated" or the "stupid vaccinated", whether we come from the "good west" or the "bad east" or whether we just want to feel like one human family and live and act accordingly. Why are we going into this separation, why do we decide to do it, what is our benefit from it?

It's easy! It's damn easy to put myself in a category where I don't have to think, feel, work, heal myself, but can sweep that under the 'common group rug'! But we all see that these carpets, whatever group they belong to, can no longer cover these mountains. So what happens? The dirt comes out from under the carpet all by itself! And right at this moment it is up to YOU and ME, to US, what we will do with it! Are we going to keep trying to push him back? Or do we want to muster the courage to take a big step and get the dirt out of there to go into healing?! To get over all our separations and to build bridges and heal in love?! And then fly together on this carpet! 🙂

I can definitely feel that in me too! I can feel my wounds very clearly again! I can feel the emotions! I feel my beliefs! I perceive in which direction they want to lead me! And I feel my feelings how they react to the "outside". As a human it makes me really sad how this "fire" is blazing right now! As a person it makes me unhappy when I see how the treatment is getting more and more blatant and disrespectful! Have we not learned from all our human history? Aren't all the examples from millennia enough for us to change? Are we really that "stupid"? Maybe you know these questions! As a soul, however, I know with certainty that this is our path that we can walk together to redeem ourselves, to free ourselves from what is currently preventing us from recognizing that we are ONE!

Yes, but what is my request now? Exactly this! I would like to ask you to listen to your heart! I would like to ask you not to think logically, but to feel! I would like to ask you to trust yourself! I would like to ask you to trust us! I want to ask you to look at your own wounds and not project them! I want to ask you to treat others with respect, dignity, tolerance and acceptance! I want to ask you to realize that we are all one! I would like to ask you to put love and peace at the forefront of our actions!

It's an invitation, not an obligation! It's a wish, not an "action"! It is what I feel within me that can help us as a family of humanity and earth to enter a new era in which we no longer need the "violent" and "powerful"! For what reason? As Charlie Chaplin said so beautifully:

"You only need power when you're up to something bad. Anything else, love is enough to get it done.”

Dear reader! Christmas is coming! The festival of love is coming! Let's throw everything together into the love of this festival that cries out for healing! We've been divided long enough! We've been thinking we're apart long enough! But we are not! It is already visible everywhere! 🙂 YOU are one with God! YOU are one with love! YOU are one with me! YOU are one with this planet! YOU are one with yourself!

I wish you a blessed and peaceful time full of knowledge, healing, togetherness and love!

With all love,
Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.