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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > World of 3D (Page 3)

New learning to learn

A big aspect of this year is the quality of the archetype teacher*, the 23 from 2023, the 2+3, the 5! This aspect invites us to learn to align our being with the being of divinity! He invites us to become a channel to receive our dharma, our path, our love, our healing and then...


Welcome to happiness! Something we humans have probably always thought about the most. Something we humans keep coming back to and want to be in. Something that feels so gigantic and just makes you happy. Something that philosophers, psychologists, teachers, masters, researchers, coaches, companions, … keep talking about and teaching. But what...

Where does selflessness lead us?

We have arrived at the sixth step to happiness - selflessness, service, sacrifice! The first thing that comes to mind is mothers. A mother lets go of herself completely at the moment of conception. She chooses to surrender to the life of a reincarnated soul and be accompanied! She "sacrifices" her love, her strength,...

How dignified do you go through life?

“Human dignity is inviolable.” – Article 1, Basic Law. This sentence fascinated me even as a teenager. At that time there was a T-shirt with the sentence printed on it. And at the time it was one of my favorite shirts. I just thought it was cool, straight to the point. Clear, loving, compassionate. And that's how I still feel about this first article of the German Basic Law...

Easy through the summer

Summer evenings are wonderful! 😍 The sun, which is getting redder and redder, the cool, fresh wind and the mood of "letting go of the day" surround us. It feels light, it becomes calmer again, silence returns. The body cools down, some minds too... 😁 The pressure of the heat, the fire around us decreases. It is...

Acceptance is a dance

Aap Sahaai Hoa Satsche Daa Satsche Doa, Har Har Har – The Lord Himself has become my protector. The truest of the true took care of me. God, God, God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_R8orNcq8I For several weeks now, this mantra has accompanied me in its different musical versions almost daily. Yes, it feels exactly what it describes. It feels protected and protected. Trusted,...

fields of love

A week earlier we were on the roads of Europe, returning to the Black Forest after the retreat “In the footsteps of Maria Magdalena” and two days by the sea. Magical days were behind us. Impressive experiences that we will always remember. We were allowed moment by moment in such a tender and at the same time powerful energetic field...

Being is the new must

It is Easter! A celebration of peace, trust, love! of being! 💚 Everything calls us to it and shows us the way. With everything that is happening around us in the world and in us and how we deal with it, one thing stood out for me today. We are must-driven. We're talking about e.g. E.g. relax, meditate, do sports,...