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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > All  > Wonderful 2020

Wonderful 2020

A new year has begun. Yes, even a whole new decade. In a few moments, my thoughts flew to the events of this millennium and I was surprised at how "quickly" time flies. And not from a melancholy point of view, but simply out of curiosity about what we can probably continue to experience. Fascinating... First of all, I would like to wish you all the best for the new year and this next decade! May love fill you and joy, courage and trust carry you!

What I have been able to feel again and again in the last few days and weeks is "radicality". Not related to violence or speed. But in connection with openness and trust. I am allowed to observe so often in myself and in people around me how we are still trying to protect ourselves, not revealing "weaknesses" and trying to play some roles and put on masks that don't really suit us. A part of us is still caught up in 'jousting'... Don't be a target or weakness, because it could be exploited or condemned. We could be hit and injured by the enemy, possibly even killed. But this fear has long been obsolete! It is in the past and is stealing our energy, our authenticity, our life, our community, our oneness!

The Universe loves each of us just as we are. Whether we are “good or bad”, sad or happy, light or dark skinned, poor or rich, … . Each of us is so unique and beautiful in our own way that not showing ourselves is a "waste"! I feel very clearly that the time is overripe to finally do it now! to be who we are. When we are ashamed, we are allowed to show and express that shame to its deepest depths. When we are afraid, we are allowed to feel fear deeply. When we are angry, we can let that anger go. If we're happy, we can dance! When we love, we must do so with all our hearts! From my own experience, I always think of the image of armor, to stay with the image of a knight. We put on (emotional) armor and think we are no longer vulnerable. We play roles to look "good" or for a thousand other reasons. However, we are only lying to ourselves! There is no armor for our emotions, for our heart, because the heart is always open and full of love! Always! So if we are afraid of being hurt, it will be "hurt" one way or the other. With or without armor! So what's the point of wearing armor that weighs tons and only costs energy? What's the point of not revealing yourself when "holding" is a lot more strenuous? What happens if you just put them in the corner and face life and your parts?

I would like to invite you to drop the armor and its games! Throw away any masks that you have imposed or have been imposed on yourself. It doesn't matter what other people think if you open up and show your true face! Elevate yourself and let live what is within you. You will feel what is happening! Either way, life always presents us with challenges. We can, however, choose whether to wear them as a "medal" and carry more weight or whether we want to go out with a smile and become lighter. It's a liberation to stop hiding. It is a gift to your fellow human beings, the universe, to love, to open your wounds, to trust and to be who you really are in every moment! At that moment we feel ourselves as a soul and begin to honor our parts, to heal, to release them. Everything else is self-deception and honestly, you know that too!

I want to invite you to be radical! To trust radically, to live radically, to love radically, to forgive radically, to heal radically, to be radically grateful, to radically open our eyes. Not for anyone or for any reason, goal or purpose. No, just because it means to be! What could be a more significant gift? What could be more valuable? What else is stopping you? Unpack your courage - you have it! Relieve yourself for what is waiting for you! Do we really believe that "God" means bad to us? This is a joke! God is love - the universe is love - experiences are love - challenges are love - pain is love - joy is love - you are love! When we truly acknowledge and truly praise this, when we show our "true inner life," grace will shower upon us and we will be filled with dignity for ourselves. You won't be able to defend yourself against your most beautiful smile at this moment! 🙂

I wish you a smiling and loving year and a wonderful first month of January!

in deep love,
Nam Terath


Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.