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For peace more than ever

We are overwhelmed with news from all over the world that leaves us open-mouthed, compassionate and often sad. Every day, sometimes every hour, more and more often every minute, we receive terrible news from far and (very) close. Yes, sometimes we would like to close our eyes and stop looking. We ask ourselves what all this is supposed to be about... Why is this happening... What is the point of this... And above all, where is it all supposed to lead? It's hard to grasp at first, and it's always hard to endure. There are moments when we just look the other way and don't want to admit it. It evokes fears in us that we are happy to put back in the drawer immediately. We are facing a worldwide overload. An excessive demand, however, that can shake us up! The earth "trembles" if we are honest with ourselves. Wars, destruction, contempt for people and animals, contempt for the environment, selfishness, ... are the order of the day. It has almost become normal. It is important NOW to open your eyes even more and to get out of passivity and into action! "Isn't possible, doesn't exist"! It's time to open our eyes to ourselves first. To look closely at what provokes me, makes me angry, sad, even painful. It's not always nice and easy. But only by making peace in ourselves, in our families, in our friendships, and in our relationships, can there be peace in the world. Then we can look and listen to the world honestly and with open eyes and ears. The events in the world are always only a reflection of the inner conflicts, "stories" and rifts in us, society and humanity. It is a wake-up call to take action, change things, reconsider and adapt behaviors, and embark on a peaceful, non-violent, compassionate, standpoint, open, honest, and authentic path that will lead us into a new era. In us and in all of humanity. This requires patience, compassion and understanding for our fellow human beings and for ourselves. It requires a big heart and a close bond with each other, which we have been given from birth in the cradle. Let's remember together what values we stand for, what is really important in life and why we are here! For experiences, tranquility, creativity, conscious living, love and peace!

We would like to dedicate this newsletter to peace and start! Sat Nam!

A short story…

Once upon a time there was a king who advertised a prize throughout the country: he invited all artists to paint peace and the best picture should receive a high reward.

The artists in the country eagerly set to work and brought their pictures to the king. But of all the pictures that were painted, only two pleased the king. He now had to choose between them.

The first was a perfect reflection of a calm lake. The picturesque mountains that bordered the lake were reflected in the lake and you could find every little cloud in the water. Everyone who saw the picture immediately thought of peace.

The second picture was very different. Mountains could be seen here too, but these were craggy, rough, and bare. Raging clouds were chasing each other in the gray sky above the mountains and you could see the rain falling, lightning flashing and almost hear the thunder cracking. A roaring waterfall tumbled down one mountain. It never occurred to anyone who saw the picture that this was about peace.

But behind the waterfall the king saw a tiny bush growing on the craggy rock face. A bird had built its nest in this little bush. There in the raging storm in that inhospitable place, the mother bird sat on her nest - in perfect peace.

Which picture won the award? The king chose the second image and justified it as follows: "Don't be misled by beautiful images: there is no need for peace where there are no problems and no fights. Real peace brings hope and means above all, even under the most difficult circumstances and greatest challenges, to remain calm and peaceful in one's own heart.” – Author unknown

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.