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balance in being

Today is a very special day for us this year! We are moving in the day of this year's equinox! Day and night go into balance! Light and darkness shake hands! Sun and moon unite in this unique gathering. What a wonderful and enriching experience! In many cultures and communities on this planet, this day is a very special one. There is celebration, laughing, crying, dancing, opening, singing, ceremonies held, ... . Starting tomorrow, the days will really get longer, heading towards the peak of the summer solstice in June.

Today we can look at a universal balance and feel what we can learn from it! Because, as always, the exciting discovery is within us, in our world of wonder. So what does a balance of light and shadow mean in us? How can we raise and integrate them within ourselves? What will we learn from this? Are we brave enough to step into balance? And above all, where do we find this stability?

Our mind is a powerful, powerful and important tool that has been given to us to "walk" on this planet. He supports us in “checking”, weighing up and, in the “best” case, making neutral decisions. Herein lies the challenge for us. what is neutral What is outside of our evaluation scheme and what can we decide in a way that is in our hearts? After all, what else should we choose if not for our hearts? Everything else is self-sabotage!

In order to filter this out, it helps us to know that our mind is roughly divided into three parts. The first and fastest part is the "negative mind", which initially approaches something with caution and restraint. If we stay in this first part, it can happen that the thoughts move in a circle that likes to settle down in fears, worries, doubts. But is it a sensible decision to make? Possibly before crossing a dark alley. But in general? Let's listen to the second voice. After the first pass in our mind and our ability to "think ahead", we move into the "positive mind" that calls "downhill" and wants to run for it. He knows no fears, is creative and courageous. Will that go well with the alley if we just follow him? 😉

So how do we know how to choose? So how do we find balance? And where can this be found? After rattling through the two parts of our mind, it is possible for us to delve into the neutral part of our mind! Here we weigh up with intuition, compassion and in connection with our heart energy where it may lead us, what decisions we may make and what may be brought into balance as a result. Because mostly not only the negative or the positive mind are on a "wave", but a healthy balance of both fills our heart with joy. Too often, however, we dance between extremes, confusing inner stability with mind control. It gives us the feeling that we hold the "mood" in our hands and don't let something "power us out". We power ourselves out when we want to use all our strength to hold the reins in our hands, be it inside or outside. If we surrender to what is there, recognize it, be creative and act in the spirit of our love, our path will be fulfilled.

So I would like to invite you today and the coming days to play with this a bit! 🙂 Listen to your thoughts, recognize the first, the second and the third thought process in situations. Go through this process with them very consciously and then see where it leads you inside. Get to know your mind, deal with it and get back your strength, which you have let steal from you! Do you want to finish this game? Do it then!

I sincerely wish you a lot of creativity, energy and peace to BE stable in your balance!

With all love,
Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.