A masterful 2018
2018 represents a year of championship – 2+0+1+8=11. 11 is a master number, a number that connects us to infinity and opens up all the possibilities we could wish for. The year gives us an energy boost that we can use for our own development. We are allowed to make a change and let go of the last three years, integrating all the lessons and experiences, and free ourselves for the unfolding that will take place before our eyes. The old will no longer satisfy us, but will lead us to no longer wanting to be trapped in an old cage. We must be careful not to fall into polarity and see the "golden cage" as a protective home. It's time to break out of it! Off to new shores, out of old dramas, habits and patterns. We are allowed to rise above it and let the qualities of our hearts live, to speak, act and live from our hearts! 2018 brings us a strong fire energy that gives us the necessary strength to carry all this into our lives... But also the danger of getting caught up in it! So lift yourself up when it should go "down", be aware of your own beauty, perfection and harmony and awaken your true self!
So in January we can already go into the "jet stream" of the new year and let the energies work through us. We are allowed to bring our own intentions and visions into this surge of energy in order to benefit from what the universe wants to give us. What is best for you instinctively and intuitively? What do you really want? Stand up for it and live by it! Anything else can be very painful! Balance heart and mind and use them in every moment as your soul wants to tell you! For your own good, for the good of your loved ones and for the good of all humanity and the planet!
all love from heart,
Nam Terath