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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > All  > Time to unfold

Time to unfold

January has flown by, the days are getting lighter, winter keeps coming and we face the first chances of the year. This month we will be challenged to stand up for ourselves, our commitments, our values and who we really are. The challenge will be to stay with us when we feel and hear the pressure, pull or opinions from outside. It is the chance to get to know each other more deeply and from this depth to grow and really unfold. Full of love for ourselves, we can immerse ourselves in the care of our body, mind and soul and draw clear boundaries to the outside world. "But that's not possible at work", "Not in the family", "Not here, not there"... But is that true? If we think in extremes, yes. We can learn to find a healthy balance of "give and take" and to act from this balance. We are allowed to think, speak and act true to our values, intentions and visions.

Courage is regarded as a great good in many writings. So be brave too, follow your honest and not always pleasant 😉 voice inside you to discover and get to know new shores. Impossible means nothing other than I'm possible! Everything is possible! Trust and trust the flow of the universe that you are allowed to swim in every day! Warm or cold - life is yours!

From my heart,
Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.