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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Courage" (Page 2)

Vor und Zurück ist eine Wand

Oftmals im Leben lassen wir unseren Verstand mit seinen Gedanken (und deren Folgen) in die Vergangenheit oder in die Zukunft schweifen. Es passiert bewusst, unbewusst, geplant, ungeplant, regungslos oder emotional! Wir gehen in die Erinnerungen, in alte Bilder, Wahrnehmungen, Empfindungen und die Energie des Dagewesenen. Und dann gehen wir wieder in Fantasien, Träume und Ziele der Zukunft, in die wir...

Brise der Freiheit

„Freiheit, Freiheit. Ist das einzige was zählt!“ So singt es Marius Müller-Westernhagen in seiner unvergleichlich magischen Hymne an die Freiheit! Er lädt uns ein, Freiheit in uns und im Leben zu finden und uns dafür einzusetzen! Wir dürfen sie feiern, uns durch sie beglücken lassen und uns auf dem Weg in sie hinein nicht beirren lassen! Sie ist ein Gut, dem...

Paradox des Zeitalters

Einfach faszinierend in was für transformierenden, heilsamen und kraftvollen Zeiten wir derzeit leben! Das Wassermannzeitalter erwischt uns immer frontaler und konfrontiert uns genau hierbei! Wir stehen ganz vorne, an der Kante! So oder so! So, weil viele Menschen „an der Kante“ (oder schon darüber) sind. Die Systeme in ihren Formen nicht mehr funktionieren. Weil wir als Menschheit herausgefordert sind. Oder...

depth of the ocean

Saturn is the legendary king of evil in the tradition of Vedic astrology. It is even feared by many because it heralds death and illness. It influences our nervous system and our psyche. He is the god of time and karma, which accompanies us through our lives. And if we look around the world, some of that is very true...

time to decide

February – the second month of 2023! January felt like it was really in itself. So what can we expect? What are we confronted with? What will happen and what may happen? When I personally look around and feel what's happening on a large and small scale, it's pretty hot for the winter season! The pressure on...

Divine Authenticity

Happy New Year! The sun is shining, it feels like spring – after waking up! Yes, a new annual cycle begins. A year of the heart is behind us. One that didn't skimp on fire. It really warmed us up inside and out! And we were allowed to go through it most peacefully when we allowed ourselves to "light into the...

How dignified do you go through life?

“Human dignity is inviolable.” – Article 1, Basic Law. This sentence fascinated me even as a teenager. At that time there was a T-shirt with the sentence printed on it. And at the time it was one of my favorite shirts. I just thought it was cool, straight to the point. Clear, loving, compassionate. And that's how I still feel about this first article of the German Basic Law...

What does commitment bring?

What does commitment bring? In my Kundalini Yoga Awakening Teacher Training, one thing touched me very much. It was Yogi Bhajan's "Seven Steps to Happiness". You had awakened something in me at the time. You brought a "system" into something that I already felt for myself and then became clear. Maybe it inspired me to start a yoga center!?...