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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Verantwortung" (Page 3)

Being is the new must

It is Easter! A celebration of peace, trust, love! of being! 💚 Everything calls us to it and shows us the way. With everything that is happening around us in the world and in us and how we deal with it, one thing stood out for me today. We are must-driven. We're talking about e.g. E.g. relax, meditate, do sports,...

How does this opening of the heart actually work?

How does this "opening of the heart" actually work? You keep reading about what that means. You can discover a wide variety of perspectives on it in order to combine them with your own experiences. What does it mean for you? Feel free to take a moment to reflect and contemplate. And then just read on here... What were you allowed to experience for yourself now? How do you feel...

Just plop

The last few days the thought of the "breakthrough", the "pop" kept coming back to my mind. We all keep dealing with our inner challenges, beliefs, habits, thoughts, emotions, ... . We reflect on it, work with it and step by step towards healing and dissolution. This is a wonderful task that we follow. It makes us more conscious, mindful...

Creator of your own life

What a gift that the yoga classes have started again this week. It fills me again and again to practice, to move, to transform, to heal and above all to love together. It's just magical when hearts come together. It is a miracle that we can do this at all. 😊 Thank you for being! How did you get into your new...

Departure into a new era

I don't really watch football, but I read the results. And from my "young understanding of football" the world is probably a bit upside down! World and European champions out, Germany out, Ukraine and Switzerland in the quarterfinals. Sounds crazy, even paradoxical, what is happening there! How can that be? What's wrong? For more than a year we have experienced a...


I am fascinated. The current search for new/old freedom fascinates me enormously. I see pictures of so-called "vaccination centers" in front of which people only "crave" to be vaccinated in order to be able to pursue the "old" life again. By the way, wasn't there something with accumulations without a minimum distance? ;-) Doctors' phone lines are overloaded and so many people can't...

Fabulous 2021

2020 has said goodbye, 2021 can be welcomed. Like every year, we ask ourselves what is to come, what will happen, what we can experience, learn, heal and love. And when I look back over the past few years, these questions have become more and more unanswered. Or they were answered in a way that we now...