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How does this opening of the heart actually work?

How does this "opening of the heart" actually work? You keep reading about what that means. You can discover a wide variety of perspectives on it in order to combine them with your own experiences. What does it mean for you? Feel free to take a moment to reflect and contemplate. And then just keep reading here...

What were you allowed to experience for yourself now? How do you feel and how do you feel about yourself? How is it with you? Again and again these questions... Hahaha... 😃 I ask myself the question of whether this is even possible in principle. Open and close the heart...

Certainly from some perspectives. Looking at it energetically, the energetic field (chakra) of the heart rotates in the center of the chest, front and back. It can be open or closed and thus more or less transmitted. But it can also be active or inactive, which affects the frequencies. From an energetic point of view, yes, it makes total sense and one can certainly speak of "opening the heart". But wouldn't it be more like opening "heart chakra"? And how do you feel about that? If you feel into it. What do you perceive there? Front back? Around you? is there anything Let's get to the bottom of it a little more... Hehehe... 😉

If we feel our physical heart, we can perceive it a little more clearly. We can feel tense and tight in the chest or totally free (and many facets in between 😉). The breath can be shallow or deep. The shoulders are cramped or loose, the thoracic spine may be painful or comfortably soft. These are clear signs that we are opening or closing our hearts. So there's quite a bit to it... Oh, how are you doing in these physical areas? 💚

Often, mostly, always (?) they are directly related to our emotions. Our physical and energetic bodies respond to the emotional world and vice versa. They are closely intertwined. They are siblings who can balance or unbalance each other. None of them go alone. When we are depressed, the energies and the physical body close. When we are happy, we feel more powerful and we walk more openly. And vice versa! All of this is based on the creation directly in our head, in our thoughts. And here is our chance! 💝

It is said that the heart has closed itself or that we must, should, may, can open it again. From the energetic, physical and emotional heart and from a rational point of view, it certainly is! But when I personally feel it for myself, no, then the heart cannot close itself. This way is always open! The connection with love, with God, with me as soul, is always there! And that's exactly where I live inside and outside. It is up to us, as a divine spark, whether it is open or closed. We block this choice and responsibility through barriers in our thinking and thus our actions and the effects. We are spinning in a circle. And what we really forget is that love can overcome all these obstacles, openings/closings, …. She is always open to us, others, life. Because she is always there! Because it never goes, becomes more or less! Because it is infinite! Because we are them! All together! ☮️

So it doesn't matter if the heart is "open or closed"! If we realize our being as love, our radiance as love, our actions and being as love, everything is open, always! I invite you to feel this inner perception. This perception that everything is, you are, only openings, with everything that wants to get in the way. What happens when you fill it with love? Can anything resist? What happens if you z. B. look at a picture of a child, are you still thinking or are you just love?

I wish you a warm fourth month, 4, the number of the heart! 💖

With love, Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.