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time to decide

February – the second month of 2023! January felt like it was really in itself. So what can we expect? What are we confronted with? What will happen and what may happen? When I personally look around and feel what's happening on a large and small scale, it's pretty hot for the winter season! The pressure on...

New learning to learn

A big aspect of this year is the quality of the archetype teacher*, the 23 from 2023, the 2+3, the 5! This aspect invites us to learn to align our being with the being of divinity! He invites us to become a channel to receive our dharma, our path, our love, our healing and then...

Divine Authenticity

Happy New Year! The sun is shining, it feels like spring – after waking up! Yes, a new annual cycle begins. A year of the heart is behind us. One that didn't skimp on fire. It really warmed us up inside and out! And we were allowed to go through it most peacefully when we allowed ourselves to "light into the...

What does commitment bring?

What does commitment bring? In my Kundalini Yoga Awakening Teacher Training, one thing touched me very much. It was Yogi Bhajan's "Seven Steps to Happiness". You had awakened something in me at the time. You brought a "system" into something that I already felt for myself and then became clear. Maybe it inspired me to start a yoga center!?...

slow down

SLOW DOWN! It could already be a mantra. SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN. Repeat! This year was a wild ride on the waves for me too. And so it's good to simply bob around in the shallow water this August. When are we going to allow this? There's always something to do. Family, job, hobby, social...

Easy through the summer

Summer evenings are wonderful! 😍 The sun, which is getting redder and redder, the cool, fresh wind and the mood of "letting go of the day" surround us. It feels light, it becomes calmer again, silence returns. The body cools down, some minds too... 😁 The pressure of the heat, the fire around us decreases. It is...

Let yourself shine

In my work I see again and again how we humans make ourselves smaller than we really are far too often. We duck our heads, hold back, don't set ourselves apart, rate ourselves negatively, hide our abilities, don't live what we want, don't dare to be ourselves, to stand by ourselves. We lie to each other in all these...