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Acceptance is a dance

Aap Sahaai Hoa Satsche Daa Satsche Doa, Har Har Har – The Lord Himself has become my protector. The truest of the true took care of me. God, God, God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_R8orNcq8I For several weeks now, this mantra has accompanied me in its different musical versions almost daily. Yes, it feels exactly what it describes. It feels protected and protected. Trusted,...

You know it

Life is just cool, isn't it? 😊 We are just so spoiled by this planet right now! Colors, smells, sounds, tastes, perceptions in such a wonderful way! We are going through spring and are already slowly approaching the longest day of the year this June and are somehow rediscovering everything. We experience and experience and are ecstatic....

Our physical existence

The number 5 of May stands for our physical body in the bodies of Kundalini Yoga. It describes our physical existence, our temple in which we are allowed to live on this planet from beginning to end. It is a gift that we all too often forget in the hustle and bustle of our thoughts, of life and of the challenges and let it "bob up and down". Just...

Just plop

The last few days the thought of the "breakthrough", the "pop" kept coming back to my mind. We all keep dealing with our inner challenges, beliefs, habits, thoughts, emotions, ... . We reflect on it, work with it and step by step towards healing and dissolution. This is a wonderful task that we follow. It makes us more conscious, mindful...

Time for You

We have reached March and thus already the third month of this already so exciting year. The "3" is the number of the positive mind that likes risk, sees opportunities and likes to break out of the deadlock and the old to discover new shores. In addition, the "3" carries the quality of the navel center, our strength, our identity and our fire! This fire...

Creator of your own life

What a gift that the yoga classes have started again this week. It fills me again and again to practice, to move, to transform, to heal and above all to love together. It's just magical when hearts come together. It is a miracle that we can do this at all. 😊 Thank you for being! How did you get into your new...

The year of courage in our hearts

I wish you from the bottom of my heart a gigantic, healing, loving and charming New Year! Why charming? More on that soon! 😊 I wish you peace, joy, contemplation, strength, balance, LOVE, happiness, health! Simply everything that the universe and you as a soul have devised to become one! With ALL! With one in any case - with charm! 😊...

What is the goal?

In the last few weeks I have had the pleasure of reading two wonderful books that have been very inspiring to me personally. They gave me a connection to something I was already feeling and "illuminated" my mind and heart with their clarity, directness and sometimes, yes, bluntness! :-) I was allowed to get into the action and direct experience of what I was reading there....