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Fabulous 2021

2020 has said goodbye, 2021 can be welcomed. Like every year, we ask ourselves what is to come, what will happen, what we can experience, learn, heal and love. And when I look back over the past few years, these questions have become more and more unanswered. Or they were answered in a way that we now...

life needs you

The universe and life present us with a very interesting paradox in one respect. When we look at ourselves as individuals, as a group, or as humanity as a whole, we appear tiny compared to the dimensions of the cosmos. We appear like a droplet in the ocean that floats along and can evaporate at any second. And yes, that's how it is...

swing yourself

Last Saturday I was allowed to take part in intuitive placement and set it up myself. It was a great gift for me. And I was once again amazed at how quickly healing and transformation can happen when we open ourselves up to it and really want it. Again and again, oh yes, there is always the question of who we are and how we heal. I would like...

go go go

A few days ago this mantra found me again and immediately brought me back into the magic of infinity. "Har Har Mukande" is a mantra that triggers a transformation from challenges and fears towards opportunities, courage and unconditional love. Loosely translated, it means that "we are awakened as a soul". Yes, that is probably the motto of this year - awakening, awakening, opening...

marriage of life

The further this year progresses, the clearer it becomes for me personally what we can learn and integrate. It's a four year, a year of the heart, 2020 – 2+2=4. And now we have arrived in August, the 8, the number of healing. What a wonderful combination to start this month. For centuries, millennia we have been trying to think about our...

The limitations melt away

My name is human. What does that mean to you? What does it mean for you to be (also) human? How do you feel that for yourself and how do you recognize yourself in it? What does this "person" include and what does it include for you? What are you "made of"? And how is your relationship to "this person" with all his parts - the whole...