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marriage of life

The further this year progresses, the clearer it becomes for me personally what we can learn and integrate. It's a four year, a year of the heart, 2020 – 2+2=4. And now we have arrived in August, the 8, the number of healing. What a wonderful combination to start this month.

For centuries, millennia, we have tried to reflect, move, live, change, heal, about our thinking and our mind. And it worked to a certain extent and supported us. However, this time is drawing to a close. You could also say that the swing has tipped over to the other side and will naturally not fall back either. But where now? Where is she headed? And are we ready to trust what awaits us in this free fall?

The 4 is the number of the heart. The number of love. The number of unconditionality. The energetic union of heaven and earth in our center, our heart. We can now just remember where we are at home. There is a wonderful saying from the Bible about this:

What happens when we stretch out our hands, just put everything in and surrender to the divine? What happens when we open our "darkest sides", bring them into our hearts and fill our hands with them? We forgot that we don't have to owe anything. We have forgotten that we need not be ashamed of this openness. We have forgotten what unconditional love really means. She's not human, she's not 3D. She is divine, she is pure, pure in perfect balance and beauty. It is the perfect gift to us when we remember that our heart is our home.

This may not please our personality, our thinking, etc. Not at all. They are always afraid of losing their validation and their concepts, and therefore themselves. But is it so? What happens when we meet all of this with our full love and compassion, embracing and soothing it to celebrate the marriage of life? The union of all levels that are always everywhere. Nothing is separate, everything is one and we are allowed to remember how that feels and how it can fulfill everything. This is not imagination, not fantasy, not a world created by the mind to fool us. No, it is the stillness and softness in which we gently land to be in joy in what we are allowed to experience.

I invite you to submit all your experiences, emotions, feelings, thoughts, masks, ...! Maybe you will find a ritual for you to illuminate your heart with your love and your light, so that the divine can enter you and the healing. Can this be the only one? Try it! Repeat and repeat and repeat... Your mind will want to give up because it's pointless etc. Keep up! Rediscover yourself and your life and find out for yourself how big this space really is in you and with what it was previously “full”. Let yourself be surprised, be curious, allow yourself the love of life!

I wish you a wonderful month and send you lots of love and joy!
Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.