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swing yourself

Last Saturday I was allowed to take part in intuitive placement and set it up myself. It was a great gift for me. And once again I was amazed at how quickly healing and transformation can happen if we open ourselves up to it and really want it. Again and again, oh yes, there is always the question of who we are and how we heal. I would like to say a few words about this because it is really important to me.

We will never heal from our mind, our ego or any part of us. Even if we believe that we have "understood" everything, can see everything, so that it's crystal clear now, of course! 😀 That doesn't work! As well as? Does a wound heal a wound? Have you ever experienced this? Only one thing remains! We and God! As a soul, we have the ability to spread our unconditional love into all wounds and thereby perhaps initially cause more pain, since it has to be cleaned first. But then the wound is ready to heal and a miracle can happen. Have you ever noticed that wound and miracle are only separated by a small "r"?! 😉

When wounds heal, when we are kind to ourselves, when we are caring for all parts that are “yelling at us”, the whole universe will start spinning for us. Everything will be done to make room for this healing, to create new space and also to fill us with the love of God! All the “screams” and pains inside us, all our emotions, flushes, sensations are just signposts of a path we are allowed to embark on to look at all of this instead of turning away, embracing and loving until Lightness and peace return. And I'm not saying this is easy. Certainly not! But we can get stuck in our cages or we can finally begin to live. It is our individual choice. I met mine a long time ago. You?

You have been able to see all of this in our collective on our planet for months to a large extent. People are afraid, allow themselves to be patronized, imprisoned, forced, hurt and the belief is deep that they are doing something good by doing so! Is that so? For whom? Does this help to heal or do we not experience even more pain because our own inner oppression is increasing more and more and is often already turning into violence. Is that the point? Does that mean healing? Does that mean responsibility? Or is it just an avoidance of guilt, shame and personal responsibility? I'm happy to leave the answers here!

However, the time of the golden cages is over and I invite you from the bottom of my heart to break out! You only have to take a single step out and you will experience wonders! What is stopping you? can you feel it And does that feel real, honest, and divine to you, or is it just a show of avoidance? I invite you from the bottom of my heart to stop playing any role. Inside you, outside, no matter where! I invite you to stop letting your ego and mind fool you into using your pain for their own gain! I invite you to follow what you feel as truth within you! And you feel it, I'm sure! She has been abused for far too long! Let's see what truth really is and bring it into all of our lives!
Thank you for your being, your love, your own healing and your courage to walk this path! You're wonderful!

Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.