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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Peace" (Page 2)

fields of love

A week earlier we were on the roads of Europe, returning to the Black Forest after the retreat “In the footsteps of Maria Magdalena” and two days by the sea. Magical days were behind us. Impressive experiences that we will always remember. We were allowed moment by moment in such a tender and at the same time powerful energetic field...

Being is the new must

It is Easter! A celebration of peace, trust, love! of being! 💚 Everything calls us to it and shows us the way. With everything that is happening around us in the world and in us and how we deal with it, one thing stood out for me today. We are must-driven. We're talking about e.g. E.g. relax, meditate, do sports,...

peace within us

When I woke up a few days ago and actually already knew beforehand what was going to happen, I was brought back into deep memories. Images were evoked in me again, which have occupied me for the last few days. When I was a child/teenager, I was shocked by the images from what was then Yugoslavia and the Gulf Wars. I still remember when the...

Only love leads to peace

I turn to you today with a request! A request that comes deep from my heart and to which I would like to invite you! Especially now, as we move through the Advent season towards Christmas, the feast of love and peace! The last few days I can observe, feel and perceive how the "social climate" is getting even rougher than...

Departure into a new era

I don't really watch football, but I read the results. And from my "young understanding of football" the world is probably a bit upside down! World and European champions out, Germany out, Ukraine and Switzerland in the quarterfinals. Sounds crazy, even paradoxical, what is happening there! How can that be? What's wrong? For more than a year we have experienced a...