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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Universe" (Page 5)

devotion and joy

I would like to share a personal story with you. In the last few weeks I was allowed to cry, sob, scream, "cough out", immerse myself emotionally and feel a lot. I was allowed to feel these different tears again and again. Some feel(ed) as heavy as lead and old. Some fresh and airy, rather salty. And so every tear feels a little different. From a...

Now is the time

As I was re-reading the text of the last newsletter earlier, one word caught my eye over and over again that I've appropriately spoken to some people about over the last few days - compassion. Funny, if you read the Duden, it says: "Sympathy for the suffering, for the need, etc. of others". For yourself...

revolution of love

This is crazy, really! Every day is like the greatest "spectacle of joy" that we as humans (at least here in our regions) are allowed to experience and experience. For me personally it is like the voyages of Christopher Columbus or Ferdinand Magellan, pure voyages of discovery! Every day anew! You may also feel within yourself that a lot is moving, showing and discovering...

love is the key

This is exactly the right form of address at the moment - Jio - soul! A lot of what is happening around us right now makes no sense and yet if we allow ourselves to look at it with love and joy, creativity and receptivity, calm and balance, power and strength, and from within ourselves as soul. I don't want to go into what and why and how and...