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Now is the time

As I was re-reading the text of the last newsletter earlier, one word caught my eye over and over again that I've appropriately been talking to some people about over the past few days—compassion. Funny, if you read the Duden, it says: "Sympathy in suffering, in need or similar. another". Not for yourself? 😉 Okay, but then what came up again and again was pity, “strong inner sympathy (expressed in an impulse to help, comfort, etc.) for the suffering, for the need, etc. another". Is the only difference that "strong" and that one only has "inner sympathy" when one has compassion, or are there possibly other individualities or perspectives?

First of all, as with most things in life, where do we start? Do we start with ourselves? Are we escaping? Do we distract ourselves? Are we encapsulating something? You may remember these questions from the last newsletter. We can begin to empathize with ourselves. And if we look closely at the word, it reveals its beauty, to feel with. We feel what is there! We feel it! But only with and not as an identification with it. We experience these feelings and emotions with our whole being, allow them and give them space to live. Through this deep feeling, allowing and recognizing, we can succeed in feeling compassion for our environment, because we know our own "darkness" and our own "light".

Especially in these times, so much human cruelty is happening on this planet. But so much comes to light and you can literally lose track of all this and get confused. It is a great practice field for feeling with yourself, loving yourself and from this experience connecting with the outside world. And here the individualities of compassion and pity appear to us. If we apply the same "procedure" to compassion in and around us, it quickly becomes clear that in this case we suffer with ourselves, that is, suffer! do you want to suffer Should others suffer? Does it help you or others to suffer? What might be behind this “need” to suffer? Fear of guilt, not feeling sympathy, feeling internally? Projection of the outer suffering onto the inner (unconscious) suffering? Projection of inner suffering onto outer suffering?

So what do we want to feel within ourselves when we look at our own darkness and the darkness outside, open ourselves to it so that love can flow in? Do we want to feel, love and heal? Or do we want to suffer, be afraid and separate? What gives us more energy, more joy (with all the "darkness" and our own light at the same time), honest recognition and living of the gift "life"? How do you experience compassion and compassion for yourself?

I wish you wonderful discoveries on this!

in deep love,
Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.