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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Articles posted by Nam Terath (Page 17)

Do you believe in your true greatness?

December is under a very special question: Are you holding back what you have known in your heart for a long time, what you are actually capable of? Can you really believe in yourself, trust your abilities, follow your soul and break the chains that still hold you? You think that's not possible? Then just press the STOP button and...

Heal and set yourself free

The times are demanding a lot from all of us. Old themes keep coming up and show us what we can still heal in order to continue to progress very clearly and directly. November can support us in recognizing old patterns and blockages, releasing them and, above all, healing them with love. Anything is possible this November! project...

Sail on

How is your October going? What is happening and what are you experiencing? Do you continue to sail on your course or do you let yourself be diverted? Most of the time we try to plan, understand and analyze things in our mind. Yes, this is helpful and necessary. But where is your infinity? your true power? Your unlimited strength? Your connection to life decides whether...

Have you set your sails?

Have you set your sails? Have you aligned what was and is to be aligned? After the summer time, it often shakes in us and often in our lives. It's time to let go and we feel it. Consciously or unconsciously - we are challenged. We are constantly being put to the test. How...

Summer Sun Happiness

Summer is coming and with a very special event. The full moon is at the same time as the day and night equinox and gives us a very special energy and power. Use it, open yourself to the new and let the old go. It is in our hands and we are responsible for it. As Osho says: "If you suffer, it...

sing your song

May is coming to an end and for many it was very eventful and full of wonders and experiences. How did you go through the month? Did you follow your inner voice and sang your song of life? Were and are you so free and courageous to actually do it? Nowadays it is all the more important to...

Enjoy the happiness

Yogi Bhajan once said: "In your life there will be good days and bad days, normal days and unusual days, right days and wrong days. You must understand that every day has a night and every life ends. Don't waste your life on reactions. " - How do we spend most of our time? We often react and thereby waste strength, love and joy....

Be brave and speak kindly to yourself

April is all about communication, conscious communication. But what does that mean? We think a lot about what we say, how, when and where. And sometimes not at all. How can we express ourselves externally. Do we say the "appropriate"? How do we deal with that? Are we hurting the other? Or do we perhaps even want to...

Fulfill your wishes

Fulfill your wishes February is in full swing and the year is picking up speed! How are you doing? How do you experience the time and what is happening in your life? We often have the wildest wishes, dreams and goals. Often we do more than anything for it, even think we have to fight and then wonder why they don't...