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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Articles posted by Nam Terath (Page 15)

The art of listening

Yogi Bhajan taught the art of listening and communication as the basis of our existence. We often view communication as just what we say and what is said in an external communication. That's an aspect, a very important one yes...

Courageous humility

When we start observing from our pure and deep being (which we can be in whenever we want), we learn to see life as it actually is. Pure, loving, reflective, even challenging and sometimes supposedly difficult. Everything around purity is colored by our identity, our thoughts, beliefs and our personality. If...

Time to unfold

January has flown by, the days are getting lighter, winter keeps coming and we face the first chances of the year. This month we will be challenged to stand up for ourselves, our commitments, our values and who we really are. The challenge will be staying with us when we face the push, the pull, or...

A masterful 2018

2018 represents a year of championship - 2+0+1+8=11. 11 is a master number, a number that connects us to infinity and opens up all the possibilities we could wish for. The year gives us an energy boost that we can use for our own development. We are allowed to embark on a transition and the last three years, all the...

The upgrade in December

December of each year is a month to reflect on the year and look inward. What have I learned? What was I allowed to experience? What has changed and what hasn't? Where has it gone for me? The year 2017 was a year with many ups and downs. A year full of moments that were eventful, instructive, exciting and joyful at the same time...

Life is a journey

Life is a journey. Step by step we follow a path that fills us with surprises again and again. Yes, we are conditioned to want to control, plan, and set goals. But as the saying goes - God laughs at plans. We find it difficult to relinquish control and have experiences that are beyond our control...

Four years Black Forest Soul

It's been four years since the Black Forest soul was allowed to see the light of day. I keep looking back. Where and how did it start? How did it evolve? What happened in time? What was allowed to me and were we all allowed to experience and learn together? Listing all of this would probably fill a book. Countless unique...

keep up

Yogi Bhajan kept reminding us to persevere! "Keep up" was one of his mottos. At first we understand it as a "tough slogan" to create everything, to do everything, to be perfect and no matter what, just to be strong. But is that all? What is really behind it? The year 2017 is for many of us (noticeably or not) and...

We can decide

Two weeks ago we received a package from an unknown sender in Berlin. Of course we were curious and opened it at the same time. The content we found pleasantly surprised us. We were allowed to find small posters for the upcoming election and the call for it. Especially to vote for an open and tolerant society. Which one we particularly liked...

Open up new worlds

"How or what" was the question in the last newsletter? Is there "or"? What triggered this question in you? ;-) What is it like to replace the "or" with the "and"? Our world, the whole universe consists of polarities and opposites. The question is, what is possible with them? What are the chances of finding the courage to unite them?...