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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > All  > We can decide

We can decide

Two weeks ago we received a package from an unknown sender in Berlin. Of course we were curious and opened it at the same time. The content we found pleasantly surprised us. We were allowed to find small posters for the upcoming election and the call for it. Especially to vote for an open and tolerant society. Which one we particularly liked has a saying on it:

"Flowers are beautiful. You can also vote.”

Now September is a month that brings changes and realignments. And in one week we can go to an election that "affects" each of us directly and indirectly. We are allowed to contribute a small part to how we want to align ourselves as a community. Yes, there is often the feeling that our "small voice" doesn't matter in this big game. Whether she does or not is one aspect. And I'm convinced that she does it in her own way. What is all the more fascinating about this is how we deal with and accept the changes “that come from outside and are not consciously our choice” (Nam Joti Kaur). Just as we always have the “choice” to cast our vote in a political system, every second presents a choice within us. A choice about our own self and our own life. What do we choose? Can we accept what is and how something develops? How it is given to us by creation to learn from? We can choose. Full of trust and from the heart.

all love for you
Nam Terath Singh

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.