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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Articles posted by Nam Terath (Page 12)

Be free

Just two weeks ago we invited you to break out of your old restrictions and limitations, your old beliefs and restrictions and set off for new shores! We asked you the questions, what else would you like to live? What would like to be newly integrated and what can finally be shown? What has changed for you since then? Was it you...

Love yourself

In the last month it has already become apparent that we can become lighter and freer from what has occupied us for the past few months, years and life. Now we are already in August of this year and July has once again propelled us with a challenging energy. Old behaviors, patterns and emotions came to light that were sometimes "not without". So...

live compassion

In turbulent times, the question is often how we can deal with what arises within us. Sometimes we feel stressed, sometimes we feel happy, sometimes we feel sad, sometimes we float through the spheres of our emotions and feelings. In the last few weeks it could have seemed to us that this floating...

Summer in the City

A numerology for the month of July speaks of changes and that the month will challenge us to find our harmony. He will ask us to "exalt" ourselves. Not to rise above something, but to become/be aware of ourselves and our very own beauty. We may ask ourselves where we are and were not aligned with ourselves and our "purpose of being here"...

Radiate from your heart

How many times in your life have you compared yourself to others? What do you have that I don't have? What can you do that I can't? Where are you better/worse than me? How “nice” it would be if I could have some of that too… Or the complete opposite, just not. What happens when you ask yourself these questions really honestly? Can...

Let yourself be found and celebrate

At the beginning of the month we wrote about the fact that this month we are getting a lot of tailwind and new opportunities. And that everything is within us that we long for, consciously or unconsciously. We asked ourselves how we could give life more space. Now a few days have passed and the question is - how are you doing with it? What do you find out...

Everything falls into place

May has arrived and with it a strong tailwind to let happiness and success into our lives. We can throw our "doesn't work, doesn't fit, doesn't work" beliefs overboard again and open our hearts to what is possible. And when we're ready for it, we'll be surprised at what's in front of our feet...


The first few months of the year were eventful and brought a momentum into our lives that often pushed us in all possible directions. It may have been a difficult time for you at times. It's not always easy to keep calm. We're quick to slip into action and keep moving on and...

party time

The next full moon is awaiting us in a few days. He will accelerate what is again. party time! :-D But what does that mean for us? Possibly you have already experienced this year how pressure arises in you to let go of the old, it goes by itself and you can open yourself to new possibilities. We've talked about it again and again...