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party time

The next full moon is awaiting us in a few days. He will accelerate what is again. party time! 😀 But what does that mean for us?

You may have already experienced this year how pressure arises in you to let go of the old, how it works on its own and how you can open yourself up to new possibilities. Again and again we have said that this year there are many opportunities to be brave, to let go of what is gone and to use the energy to participate in something new. Well, the universe keeps turning and we can always learn anew to go into this flow and to get involved in the movements, even if our mind and our old conditioning keep crying: "No, no, no, but that am "I". What am I supposed to do without all of that?”

What each of us may be experiencing in one or more areas of life and the inner world is reflected in the global world and it is reflected in us. Pupils are demonstrating for their and our future and can no longer be held back by old chains. Secrets such as abuse, tax avoidance, ... are revealed and can no longer be kept secret, even if the "old" still wants to keep it. People no longer want to live in old "systems" because they realize that they no longer serve their own happiness. We can be grateful for what is revealed and shown to us - on the outside and on the inside. Happiness, however, has long (and never) been found in what we think it is found in!

When we reflect all of this on ourselves, we are allowed to see that the only way is to relate back to ourselves - us as soul, consciousness, I. Everything else will burn up and bring forth our love, power and energy like we have never known before. We are allowed to open ourselves to our chains, secrets and inner systems over and over again and heal and heal and heal from the stillness and love of our heart. They are not evil or bad - but not real!

Healing does not come through combat. Healing does not happen through repression. Healing does not happen by looking away and forgetting. Healing does not happen through new creations of our ego or our mind. Healing happens solely through the love that we carry in our hearts and that we let shine through each of our cells to fill and transform them. This transformation is the real party! The party where we dance with life - I love life and life loves me!

I was given this mantra myself in a healing this week and it can apply to all of us at the same time! Life wants nothing bad from us! God wants nothing bad for us! What happens, happens! How do we absorb it, what happens to us with it and how open are we to look at it from our heart, accept it and love it? What do we do with this newly gained insight and the power that reveals itself as pure awareness from staying there?

I invite you to look behind everything you have thought to be true! I invite you to open all the doors that your mind and ego (want) to keep closed so far, because it is sooooo valuable and useful! I invite you to look at and love life in ALL its facets, and not just those that please your mind and ego! I invite you to fill your being with the love of your heart and not the "thought made" love! Unconditionally! Free! infinite!

Sat Nam from the heart!
Nam Terath Singh

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.