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Radiate from your heart

How many times in your life have you compared yourself to others? What do you have that I don't have? What can you do that I can't? Where are you better/worse than me? How “nice” it would be if I could have some of that too… Or the complete opposite, just not. What happens when you ask yourself these questions really honestly? Can you recognize parts of yourself that have asked yourself this at some point or more often or very much and are still doing it? And then how a bit of dissatisfaction, dejection, anger, sadness, shame, guilt showed up. Even if "we" are so committed to doing something to achieve that and change. At this moment we don't want to admit it to ourselves and "one shouldn't think that" - but now I would like to invite you to allow it.

In the book Eben Alexander's Eternity Sight, Eben, in his near-death experience (while in a seven-day coma) receives wonderful news on his journey to the "afterlife." It contains everything and also shows the "nothing". She describes it in three simple phrases that, when we take them into our hearts, let us experience peace, love, freedom, unity and perfection:

You are loved and valued.
You have nothing to fear.
You can't go wrong.

If I answer the questions to myself with these three sentences, everything is clear. And I can only laugh! 🙂 A perfect laugh fills me. It contains so much love for all the emotions and their pains that are actually behind the "non-heartfelt" thinking, speaking, acting... that we all have. We have all experienced so much in our lives. Things that have brought happiness or sorrow and that have shaped "us". But we can laugh about this with love. But it also contains comedy, how meaningless these questions are. And then I laugh, because it pleases me to be able to see, recognize and embrace all of this as a soul. And I can tell how different hugging is. Sometimes it's friendly, sometimes teasing, sometimes parental, sometimes demanding, sometimes malicious, and and and... But it's always embraced, loved, valued, protected, accepted. How does it feel for you when you do it from within?

Hugging is always full of love. A love that shows itself unconditionally. A love that doesn't expect perfection but knows that everything is already perfect. A perfection that includes everything and does not aspire to be subject to or conform to any evaluation or perfection. Herein lies the small subtle difference in how we can look at ourselves. Herein lies the difference between perfection and perfection. Love fulfills everything, is everything and always will be everything. And "being" like that won't always work out. Each of us moves sometimes more, sometimes less on all levels. Sometimes we are aware of it, sometimes not. And that's okay!

The only question that matters is whether I want to live as a soul and with the "three sentences" or in the thoughts, patterns, projections, expectations, comparisons... And the answer to that question is crystal clear to me. To you?

I am happy to open up this question to you as an experiment, to try it for yourself, not always succeeding, to change your perspective and to focus on what is already there and what makes you perfect. This month will be filled with unconditional love and will support you in this. The power of June gives you the opportunity to listen to yourself, to get to know yourself, to see more clearly, to reflect on yourself and to experience, enjoy and help shape creation.

And remember: you are beautiful!

With much love!
Nam Terath Singh

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.