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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Articles posted by Nam Terath (Page 16)

How or what?

Our society is wired to look at goals, results and evaluations and do everything to achieve them. What are the goals in business, what are the personal goals, what have I achieved, how is my account balance, was the party good or bad, what do I get out of doing something, etc.!?! We take stock beforehand and...

Phoenix from the ashes

Wednesday was Earth Overshoot Day. This is the day of the year when we consume more than the earth can handle. So we have used up as many resources as can naturally “grow back” on earth in one year (apart from the non-renewable, exterminated animal/plant species and resources). So we've been alive since Wednesday...

life is life

Life is life! How do we see, hear, smell, taste and feel life? How do we understand life? What do we make of life and what it gives us? Oftentimes, we strive so hard for something we desire and want. We want to take and give everything for it. We do everything for it. We make an effort and...

Just do it

July brings a fresh breeze of happiness. He will refresh us and breathe new self-confidence into us that we can embrace. We are allowed to surrender ourselves and recognize and appreciate the blessings in our lives. It is time to bring our blessings and talents into the world and make other people and the world happy. What...

Is time real?

Time for a newsletter again? There was only one! :-) Well, time flies. And our "feeling" tells us how fast she is running. Aren't we the ones running? Right now, on the longest days of the year, we can experience how the time is completely independent of life and the course of nature. The...

For peace more than ever

We are overwhelmed with news from all over the world that leaves us open-mouthed, compassionate and often sad. Every day, sometimes every hour, more and more often every minute, we receive terrible news from far and (very) close. Yes, sometimes we would like to close our eyes and stop looking. We wonder what all this is about... Why is this happening...

stay with you

Sometimes times are wild and rough, sometimes gentle and still. Sometimes it's easier for us to stay with ourselves. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to stay in touch with our inner self. Especially when we continue step by step in all self-care and self-love, we keep coming to doors that are sometimes easy, sometimes difficult to open....

Ready for the big hit?

Are you ready for the big hit? Are you ready to use your creativity to manifest the gifts of the universe? 2015, 2016 were certainly not the quietest and easiest years! And 2017 will certainly not be quieter either. Hahaha...

Let's rock 2017

2016 demanded a lot from each of us. It started with ourselves, went beyond the circle of friends and acquaintances to our whole society and dualism. We have been able to deeply perceive the extremes and polarities. We were allowed to heal issues within ourselves, only to come across a new issue within us shortly thereafter. People are suddenly from us...