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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > All  > Let's rock 2017

Let's rock 2017

2016 demanded a lot from each of us. It started with ourselves, went beyond the circle of friends and acquaintances to our whole society and dualism. We have been able to deeply perceive the extremes and polarities. We were allowed to heal issues within ourselves, only to come across a new issue within us shortly thereafter. People suddenly left us and people were born. The world has gone through terrible events to experience so much love, charity and compassion on the other side. And in this storm we were allowed to set our sails... For this year, for 2017! The year of 10 (2+0+1+7), the royal number, the number of the "warrior", the number of "all or nothing". Are we ready to keep going despite the storm? The number 10 stands for the nervous system, which will again be in great demand this year. Can we find the strength to "launch" ourselves, and despite these "dangers," open ourselves wide enough to be filled with all the peace, love, opportunity, possibility, experience, prosperity of the universe can? Our minds and egos, our beliefs and patterns, the “sad” side of our inner child – they all scream “when is it going to stop?”, “when is it going to get easier?”, “why is life so hard (too me)?” – BLA. Again and again they grab us and keep us away from our true self, our soul and the deep joy in life, in every single experience. The experiences of polarity, that everything is interdependent and that we can experience this without judgement. Because how are we supposed to know how sweet tastes if we don't know sour? How can we know the day if we haven't experienced the night? This is experiencing the experiences that make up our lives and allow us to grow as human beings and as souls. We all, ALL, already now (in January) have the chance to start a transformation in and around us, to support the change and the unification of the polarities and to let it happen. Let's really rock 2017 together! 🙂

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a year full of miracles, experiences, adventures and deep moments of joy!

Sat Nam! Nam Terath Singh

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.